Is the Watchtower happy being stagnant?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • monkeyshine

    I'll answer it the way they do..."Well, what else is there?"

  • Warlock
    Is the Watchtower Society happy with being stagnant and just going thru the motions?

    Of course. It's just more proof that Armageddon is "just around the corner". You know, 'the love of the greater number cooling off' and all that stuff.


  • flag

    Exactly, monkeshine!!!

    Do you know what did my sister in law comment about the "revelation book"?

    She said: Oh! the revelation book is so good! it's electrifying!!!!

    Then I commented: But, this is the third time we study it....

    to which she replied: I know, but still, it showed us how close we are to the end!!!!

    For her this is like a new book, she doesn't connect the fact that those same words were given more than 15 years ago. And she sees all the changes as a sign that jehovah is directing the organization.

    So, it is impossible to reason with a person like that.

  • lilybird

    Well,, Its kind of hard for a bunch of old men who never lived in the outside world and probably are wearing depends by now, to keep coming up with more

    'new light" BS...Besides as others mentioned,, brainwashing and mindcontrol work much better when the same things are constantly being regurgitated

  • LovesDubs

    I have to think this stagnation has a lot to do with the drop in meeting attendance. How many ways can you say the same thing over and over and over??? I feel bad actually for the people who have to WRITE this drivel at Bethel and deliver it like it ISNT old meat, rewrapped and stamped with a new date on it.

    It's all mind numbingly boring. I used to literally fall asleep in the book study and it was AT MY HOUSE. How pathetic is the material when the HOST cant stay awake through it?

    Think about an average Watchtower study article: If you were a GOOD JW you would 1) read the magazine when you got it in the mail 2) re-read the article and underline the answers 3) listen to the article read to you AGAIN in the hall 4) listen to the paragraphs basically re-read to you AGAIN in the form of an answer to the question. So you have now read the same material and had it pounded into you FOUR TIMES.

    Yep...repetition for emphasis and and terminal boredom.



    That was well put! Some families would have the Watchtower as a family study then reread at the Sunday meeting.How numbing!!!!!


    Lovesdubs {SORRY I FORGOT THE S}

    That was well put! Some families would have the Watchtower as a family study then reread at the Sunday meeting.How numbing!!!!!

  • blondie

    Actually, the WT was more interesting when Fred Franz wrote most of the study articles. He was a wild card and could be quite abrasive when discussing other religions. Try looking back at those years. Now it is an anonymous cut and paste effort of at least 15 individuals. Since the Great Apostasy of the 80's, no one wants to be going "ahead" of the slave.


  • orangefatcat

    If he Society called the 80's as the "Great Apostacy" I wonder what they call it now?

    Oh yes I agree Blondie with you, you knew when Freddy Franz wrote the study articles in the WT. Remember the one on the PENNY? Or the VINEYARD, or the ones about PROPHECY? He had a unique style of speaking and writing.


  • yaddayadda

    I don't think they're happy with it at all. I bet most of the old boys on the GB are scratching their hands, being rather mystified by drying up meeting attendance and zero and negative growth in the Western world. Where's all the 'doves flocking to their dove cotes' and why isn't Jehovah 'speed[ing] it up in its own due time'. It probably explains the weirdness of recent comments to the effect that the Matt 24:14 might be finished already.

    I'm sure they'd love to be growing much more quickly. But I think Zico pretty much nailed it when he said they are afraid to change. They've painted themselves into a corner on so many issues that's it's almost impossible to see how they could get out of their stagnancy.

    So they're pinning all their hopes on Armageddon coming soon to bail them out of the corner. They are like Alice in Wonderland going down the ever shrinking corridor, and praying there is a door at the end big enough to squeeze through. Unfortunately its more a case that they are up shit creek without a paddle or a life-jacket and the waterfall is looming up large.

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