Did anyone see True Life on MTV about interfaith relationships?

by megsmomma 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • megsmomma

    I just watched it and there was a non baptised JW on there. She had apparently left and married a Luthern....but than felt that only JW's were the true religion and was seemingly torn between going back or not. It is so sad and her husband realized she was being brainwashed, which she (of course) denied.

    I wish I could contact her and help her...or that she...or her husband....would find this site.

    It seems that ALL that leave struggle with the question....What is the TRUE religion then....but.....that would be a personal decision and personal relationship.

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies

    Her husband was a typical K-fed... Stay out with his "boyz" and then cuss (F-bombs) out his wife for not coming home from Church on time. Yep, he, not the wife studying with the JWs, is the good guy here. She is "brainwashed" and doing the wrong thing.. Only in JWD land..

  • tijkmo
    True Life on MTV

    is this not a contradiction in terms

  • megsmomma

    Death to Pixies... I never said he was the "good guy" here. He is actually the type that makes girls like that WANT to go back to the JW's. He has no clue HOW to help her, or what the bible teaches himself....but...He is smart enough to see that the JW's brainwash people.

  • lonelysheep

    I love the True Life series and definately want to watch this. I hope it comes on again soon.

  • mama1119

    I did watch it. Poor girl was definelty searching, its to bad she settled on JW's.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's something I wouldn't mind watching, it sounds interesting. I guess it might be on in the UK sooner or later.

    Poor girl was definelty searching, its to bad she settled on JW's.

    Yeah, if she joins them, she won't have found what she's searching for either. Lte's hope she realises that before she commits herself.

  • evita

    Yes, I watched this show. I think the young woman got scared when she looked at her life. It was probably exciting initially to date a "bad boy" but now she has to live with the consequences. She's running scared right back to the JW's because that is what she knows and what she is programmed to believe. Nothing else will seem "right" to her as she was successfully brainwashed by the religion. If her marriage was more stable and her husband more responsive to the family she might be able to make a better choice. This family needs more help than what the witnesses can offer. Sad.

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