Congregation member lists: do they still use them? Current Dubz only!

by MinisterAmos 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos


    That is the only logical reason why the "friends" do not circulate a member list. My ex-congo still does and it was updated to include EVERYONE, even the serious studies at the correctional center (jail)! I keed you not. Even my daughter's high school has a list of names addies and numbers that every student can buy for a buck. Nobody is shaking with fear over it either.

    We call each other "Brother" but are too afraid to share phone numbers. How sad is that?

  • sammielee24

    They say that, but: They really mean they don't want anybody sending a letter to the entire congregation explaining why they and their entire family left after seeing the light.

    Oh..I agree..the reality is very different than the reason -

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