Say What's On Your Mind

by minimus 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Wishing everyone love, joy and health.

  • merfi

    On my mind.. hmm...

    It's come up 20 degrees from the -13 this morning and I'll be venturing outside in about an hour for work. Work has been pissing me off lately as everyone seems to be getting in touch with their lazy sides and leaving me with all the crap. Micromanaging sucks and I'm tired of it; I have my own stuff to do, not the boss's pet's projects that she gets credit for anyway when she passes them on to us pee-ons. Otherwise, I absolutely love it there and figure they'll throw me a retirement party there around 2033. Good lord....

    I just ebay'd my clothes for our employee banquet next month. The theme is 70's so I found a psychedelic mini dress and some white go-go boots. This is gonna be so fun....

    My kids are awesome. One was sick last week but fine now. I did her bloodwork which showed it to be a viral thing that she just had to lay on the couch, take Tylenol and wait out. Hopefully the other two won't get it. My oldest just had her little 13yo heart broken yesterday when her boyfriend of a month broke up with her at lunch through his friends. She drowned herself in chocolate and msn last night, so hopefully today is a better day. Little guy is beyond excited about his new jeans from Bomgaars.

    My love life rocks.

    I need a haircut. My living room needs new curtains. My coffee pot is nearly empty.

    A life in the day of the merf....

  • minimus

    I don't like seatbelts and cops making roadblocks just to see if they can catch somebody do something wrong.


    I havn`t seen another human in days..The snow is up to my waist..Thank God for Satilite TV and 4x4 trucks..I`m out of Beer..Cabin Fever is not an illusion..I`m going to town tomorrow!...OUTLAW

  • minimus
    minimus LOL now, huh?

  • james_woods


    I don't like seatbelts

    Dale Earnhart Sr. was reported to not be too fond of them, either.

    I would suggest that you refrain from aerobatic flying in open-cockpit biplanes until this has been rethought.

    There! I said what was on my mind.


    Good Morning Min!..I had a laugh on Wanderers thread..Then this thread came up and I realised I was out of Beer!..Thats no laughing matter!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    I like OUTLAW. Don't know why. Just do.

  • RAF

    Well rigth now I'm in front of my TV who actually shut down Monday (all of the sudden) So I'm thinking what should I do? Can I live without it? Yes at first I didn't really care, still it's not really interactive and that's finally what I like in TV you don't really look at it but sometimes something appears on the screen or something is said and catch my attention ... Also I like to look some good Reports on Nature, history, technics and stuff like that ... So

    I'm still wondering should I just buy

    • a new TV (that's about 300 to 750 € depending on the scale of the screen but I'd rather put that into a travel)
    • or should I buy a TV tuner to put it on my computer ? (that's about 25 to 125 € - but I'm not sure it really works well and somehow I like to have both almost next to each other from where I seat). voilà here is my dilema at the moment!
    • an other solution would be to complet an other computer I've got an put a TV tuner on it and buy at least 21" screen that woud be still about 350 € all together)
    • reparing TV would be around "I don't know" but I feel like I could be nabbed! (also I think it's only an electric probleme - which would actually be a little probleme ... oy oy oy ... whatever ... I have no confidence in people who comes over to repar gears they always try to get more monney ... also this TV must be 10 years old now ... It's time to say goodbye anyway)

    So if anyone of you use a TV tuner can you tell me if you are happy with it (send me a PM with the detail of your system)

  • minimus

    Just get another damn TV, that's all.

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