My advice for JW youth

by Junction-Guy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    If you are reading this board and are having doubts, then please do not rush into baptism. Wait until you are grown, and only then do it if you honestly feel you need to. Once you are baptized, they own you, and you will most likely be shunned if you are ever baptized. If you put off baptism indefinitely then there is a chance you can salvage your relationship with your parents.

  • avidbiblereader

    Excellent advise Junction, I wish my daughter never was baptised for her sake with her mother and her whole family. It has ruined her in many ways. They should put your advise in the KM every month.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings J-G,

    I wish the Society would do the right thing per your request. But, of course, they have their insufferable agenda. I am acquainted with SEVERAL JW kids who are now official members, and I can only smile outwardly [cry inwardly] when they excitedly tell me they are/were getting dunked: "Can you be there for the happy ocassion?" Then, at the KH, the elders "request" $XX per baptized publisher for this or that new project. Last I was at the meetings, it was $20 for one financial need. For some families, lotsa buck$!


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Baptism is only a means of applying more pressure to take more of your time to sell their magazines. In actual fact it means nothing. The ties that bind and the emotional blackmail, come from the depth of your families involvement with the organization. It is them that can make your life a living hell. I was never baptized and felt the full weight of retribution from the power my family gave the ideology. It lasted for years and coloured every aspect of my existence. It is your family that can make you or break you, with no support. If you had support from your family the whole thing could be taken much more lightly, even jokingly and their game would be much easier to expose.

  • Quandary

    EXCELLENT advice!! I was only 13 yrs old, what a mistake! I strongly feel that baptism should only be allowed for adults at least 21 years of age. What do you think the annual report would look like if this rule existed??


  • Morocco

    I wish you had said that to me before I got baptized! You could have saved me a lot of trouble.

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