Purchasing Zions Watchtower

by concerbedbf 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • concerbedbf

    Is it possible to purchase/obtain (Zion's Watch Tower) reprints or bound volumes, from a source that a JW could not object to. The reason I ask is, I showd GF the article on Freeminds "Blacks and the watchtower". She was appaled and of course argued that these were not really written by Russel or any JW (in good standing). I found e-copies at acs consulting, but im guessing she would claim forgery.

    How do you hang them with their own rope?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    There are a few options.

    I would first suggest you tell the person to look up that material in the bound volumes at their own kingdom hall.

    You can also buy CD-ROMS that contain copies of the originals in pdf format. IMO they are the only way to go. You can search the text which makes it very easy to find things. They are available from freeminds, amazon.com, or straight from the maker of the disks research applications. The website for direct purchase is:

    Research Applications

    Some of the PDF reprints are available free from:


    Hope that helps you out!


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Sorry about those links, my computer is just all screwed up right now. Here are the links you can just copy and paste:



  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Please note, reexamine is apparently down right now but this has been going on for quite a while. Check it from time to time, eventually it will be back up.

  • bennyk

    The Reprints can be purchased as bound volumes (July 1879 - December 1916 only, twelve volumes) from the Chicago Bible Students for $100 + Shipping/Handling. However, because the Bible Students are viewed as the "Evil Slave Class" this may not be such a viable option. Nevertheless: http://www.chicagobible.org/LDSOrderForm-Brethren.PDF

  • garybuss

    Russell era Zion Watch Tower are free online. I know that's not what you asked.

  • jwfacts

    Studies in the Scriptures and pre-1916 Watch Towers can be seen on http://www.mostholyfaith.com, http://www.strictlygenteel.co.uk and http://www.agsconsulting.com. These sites are run by modern day Bible Students who still accept as accurate the works of Russell. They are unlikely to have changed the text (as it could be argued that an apostate may have) but they only are in digital copy.

    Otherwise maybe eBay, but that can be quite costly. Some kingdom halls and bethels have the original magazines as well in their libraries.

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