How Do OLD AGE JWs Feel?

by ballistic 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    My poor aunts (one in her 70's) are so far gone, that when I call her to check on her, all she can do is spout Ezekiel and Isaiah and Jeremiah and warn me that *I* will be the cause of the death of my whole family, including my as yet unborn child.

    It's so sad, it makes me cry.

  • Ranchette

    We had an elderly couple in our cong. (late 80s or early 90s) that had been in the org. all their lives. Even served as a CO for years.
    Our cong gave them a 50th wedding anniversary party and at this party this old time sister said that she regretted never having children. The society had preached all those many years that they should put the Kingdom first instead of having children and now they were enduring old age alone. I wonder what else she regrets? She is completely alone now because her husband died recently.
    What a sad waste of life!
    There are thousands of people who have sacrificed their whole lives for nothing and you don’t get a second chance at life!


  • RedhorseWoman

    When my parents became ill and had to go into nursing homes, the only ones to visit them were their apostate and disfellowshipped relatives.

    None of their "brothers" and "sisters" could be bothered to visit those who were no longer useful to the Society.....besides....they couldn't count the time spent in visiting, so why bother?

    My cousin, who is a CO and who presumably had a close relationship with my mother, was informed by me of the seriousness of her condition when she had a stroke and entered the nursing home.

    He was SUCH a loving brother and nephew....NOT! He finally wrote back to her through me a year and a half after I wrote to him.....two months after my mother's death. In his letter, he was nice and chatty, and asked her if she was still keeping active in service even though it was probably difficult!!!!

    Probably difficult? I had told him that the stroke was so serious that she might not survive at all, and he was concerned that her SERVICE time might slip!

    Eighteen cards.....and this was despite numerous attempts on my part asking that the brothers and sisters come visit her........NOTHING.

    So much for the "great love amongst the brothers". Once you're no longer of any use as a salesperson, you are discarded.

  • Oldhippie

    My mother is 87 years old. She goes out in service two to three times a week. Never misses meetings unless she is simply too ill. She would never admit disappointment to me. She is a rock.

    She recently confided in a close friend of hers that she no longer expected to live to see armageddon.

    A person who has spent as many years and put up with as many hardships as she has is not going to give in to doubts at this point. She is confident of her reward and I will never press the issue with her.

  • ballistic

    Although I agree with blondie that those in that situation must look to the future and make the best of their deal, listening to a couple of the answers makes me sad, my worst fear is that people grow old this way. It sometimes even sickens me what that organisation is doing to people, sad, very sad.

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