Could someone be amassing a personal fortune at Watchtower land?

by Gill 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    How sure can we be that no one or even two or more JW is amassing a personal fortune at the expense of the Watchtower Slaves and the Watchtower Society?

    Locally, there was an Elder who was able to have affairs with three different women, including his wife for thirty years. During that same time he had his hand in the contribution box to keep his business going.

    We're talking thirty years here.

    I agree with many posts here that the legal dept actually run the WTBTS now and not the Governing Body. These old blokes are totally irrelevant. They can spout BS till the cows come home, as long as it won't get the company sued in anyway, they can say what they want.

    But when we start talking about billions of dollars, pounds, yen etc, all bequeathed to the Wagtower, and contributed in boxes, and sent by kids and old folk, it would be easy to syphon off regular small amounts of cash. It happens in every business to some extent. There is nothing special about the WTBTS.

    Is there some quiet little man, or woman, computer and accounting savvy, laying down a nice little nest egg for themselves? Could this be being repeated many times over? I suspect so. If it could happen in a small cong for 30 years, where everyone was in everyone elses pocket, then it could easily happen on a much grander scale, and perhaps over and over again!

  • searching4truth

    It is all run by the freemasons. lol

    Or maybe its bush's fault. yeah thats it yeah

  • Gill

    Why would it be run by freemasons?

    Why would it be Bush's fault?

    People are perfectly capable of being dishonest on their own, with no help from any one else!

    If someone has the 'skills' they can do anything.

  • searching4truth

    I reffered to freemasons because Russel was one.

    I reffered to Bush because he is a greedy deceitful little bastard just like WTS.

    And I was kidding, your tripping with this whole conspiricy theory thing. Chill out.

    Though I will admitt I have wondered myself at times.

  • Gill

    I don't believe in a 'conspiracy'!

    Did you read the opening post?

    I was talking about 'individuals'.

    'A' person with their 'hand in the till', is what I was suggesting. Personal gain, not corporate gain, is what I was suggesting.

  • geevee

    It must be possible in some way or other. Some of these guys are in positions of trust, and some are trustee's for the ownership of Halls. I have heard about some Aussie guy from Adelaide, South Australia who used a K Hall as security for a loan that went belly up and the hall was repossessed!
    Knorr used to have two first class seats on the plane, one for him and one for his witnessing bag.

  • searching4truth

    yes I am sure that its completely possible some bethel accountant is cooking the books for his own personal gain and I am pretty sure that it wouldn't be the first time. I think it has happened before but they got caught and were far from rich.

  • geevee

    Hey what about some do-gooder who buys the c/o a car or loads them up with cash each time they come around? Does he declare all that to the tax department? Or what about the c/o who knows how to play the system and can hint at what he needs so that people will buy it for exchange for a talk the the assembly?

  • Gill

    geevee - I had no idea about Knorr and is Ministry Bag!

    As for the KH in Adelaide....well!

    These are people in responsible positions and are able to 'cook the books' in one way or another. And those are the ones you get to find out about!

  • restrangled


    This is a good question. I'm sure any auditing is done from the inside, which would it make it very easy to move funds. Who signs the checks? Are there credit or debit cards for those traveling? There must be, no one in their right mind would carry wads of cash. Where is the money being invested? Who owns the companies, who are the CEO's and what are their salaries? Same goes for the Real Estate. There could be many extended family members of those in charge of the money making out very well.

    It would be interesting to see a Forensic Accounting firm from the outside go in and look at the books.


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