More appropriate baptismal questions

by potleg 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • potleg

    From time to time the borg changes the baptismal questions...they're always asking for money so maybe when the candidates for baptism stand up the speaker should have them take out their wallets and purses, open them up and then repeat "Help your self..." That way mother get's her hands in right from the get go.

    Anybody else think of better questions?

  • 5go

    Are you an apostate ?

    Are you awake ?

    What is your income level ?

    What flavor kool-aid do you like ?

    Do you know what circular reasoning is ?

    Do you know anything about what the bible really teaches ?

    I ran out of darts. Let see how many of these stick.

  • avidbiblereader

    The same questions that Peter made Cornelius take,

    The same ones the Etheopian Enuch took

    The same ones that John the Baptist made everyone take

    The same ones the Christ took and the ones he made the apostles take

    The same ones that the 3000 on Pentecost took

    We all should have known when they made us do them when we got baptised, something is wrong in Denmark


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