The Society Isn't about Money. The Governing Body isn't the Illuminati.

by under_believer 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez


    I see what you're saying in a lot of ways, but as somebody who was pretty close to the top in the organization, I can tell you that a lot of what you said just isn't so.

    The Governing Body are the all-inclusive leaders of the organization. They have been since the body was officially formed in the 70's. Every single thing that affects the publisher at the purely local all originates from that oval table in Brooklyn.

    Now, how do they keep that grip so tight for so long? Well, who do the congregations answer to? The committees. They report and answer directly to the Service Committe, and they recieve all of their instruction from the Writing Committee. The Governing Body controls these committees. So that takes care of that. But how can they keep this engine running as so? Well, look at how they get new people appointed to that body.

    Only people hand-picked by the old timers like Jaracz, Barber, and up until early '06, Bert Schroeder...only good ole boys that will echo whatever these older men say will be appointed as Governing Body members.

    Now lets talk about how the GB live. Let me assure you: they live like royalty. This is masked cleverly by their not having much disposable income. But even there, they have more than you can imagine. They meet wealthy people in congregations everywhere they go that slip them checks and cash like you wouldn't believe. But that's because the publishers that do this think of it as a holy contribution. Aside from cash, they are flown all around the world in first class, those that drive have some type of luxury car. And they live in what would be unattainable to any average person living in Brooklyn.

    But all of these physical needs that they have taken care of are nothing when compared to the power they have over 6 million people. In the book The Myth of Certainty, Daniel Taylor writes: "The primary goal of all institutions and subcultures is self-preservation. Preserving the faith is central to God’s plan for human history; preserving particular religious institutions is not. Do not expect those who run the institutions to be sensitive to the difference."

    When you have all of these things, every personal need taken care of, everything free, no worries like the everyday working man has...along with absolute power over the lives of 6 million people, you do everything you can to keep that power. Every policy that has been introduced and enforced by that body over the last 30 years has been done for the purpose of keeping a tight grip on those simple minds that keep the contribution boxes full.

  • james_woods

    OK, I am going on record to mostly agree with under_believer. These guys are obviously not living like Donald Trump. They do, however, have an essentially unlimited expense account for travel. I personally have not seen that they really work very hard, either. Under_believer, if I understand the point, you are saying that the current GB is just along for the ride on a massive train without brakes going down into a mountain canyon. I agree. I think there are far more grevious things to fault this organization for.

    However, I have a comment. One of the hallmarks of the overpaid executive is the ratio of his compensation to that of the ordinary worker in the company. I just say this: while their "official" stipend may not be more (or much more) than the ordinary bethelite, certainly their bethel life style is way different. I have not been in Knorrs top floor penthouse, or Freddy's, but I did see Ed Dunlap's. Ed was Registrar of Gilead before he left along with Ray Franz. He and Betty had a very elegant flat in one of the restored brownstones around the corner from Bethel - and this was the general case with all the middle executive types like him. Far cry from the 2-guys to a walk in closet flops that the bethel guys my age had. The society also had a fleet of Buicks, Oldsmobiles, and Caddys (usually with a driver, if they wanted one) for the elite. And, there were plenty of wealthy brothers and sisters to hob-nob with them and pick up the check at Tavern on the Green.

    Again, I agree with under_believer; it is more for the power and prestige than the money. However, they sure don't mind lording it over the basic bethelite one little bit. Which makes those "vows of poverty" ring a little hollow, IMHO.

    And, let us never forget that for past president Rutherford, all bets are off. With him, I think the money, women, cars, trips and booze were a big part of it all.

  • Borgia

    Money goes somewhere.......waste is a black hole too. And the WTS boasts on not being the most efficient org, but the most spiritual minded...(barf), thus actually implying to take waste for granted (colateral?)as long as the spirit in which things are done is theocratic....(barf)

    Not needing to be responsible to no-one can be a very appealing thing on top of which one never needs to be trouble with their conscience, just blame the R&F



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