What do you think the biggest danger to the end of mankind or earth is?

by free2beme 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I love watching shows on the History channel, Discovery channel and so on. They had this program on the other day, on the ten biggest threats to mankind and the planet earth. Surprisingly, none of the items on the list were God destroying mankind or the earth, So that must be further evidence that the Witnesses were wrong, go to college now and retire. Anyway, they listed a lot of items and I thought they were all interesting. As they prioritized some that I did not see all that threatening, and others they put lower in threat, that I see as more likely. So what threat from this list, do you see as the more possible to destroying a good percentage of man or the world?

    Large Asteroid Strike, Deadly Virus, Global Warming, Man made Black Hole, Massive Solar Flare, Nuclear War, Large Terrorist Attack with Chemical Weapons, Dirty Bombs

  • heathen

    Even tho deadly virus is doing some serious damage in some parts of the globe , I'm still thinking meteor strike or asteroid ,since the bible even mentions the earth being struck by very large objects , seems likely to me they are expecting one actually. One almost got us several years ago , came between earth and the moon before they even noticed it. nuclear war and global warming are tops of my list as well.

  • searching4truth

    I think global warming is most likely to since it is slowly doing already

  • zagor

    I've seen that documentary last year, very interesting. Knowing human nature I think we are more likely to be wiped out by things that happen slowly than by an immediate threat unless it is too late to react. Which brings me to global warming. It is something that most people don't take seriously. If it were an asteroid on its way, or terrorist attack things would be mobilized within hours if not sooner. But when faced with gradual evolution of something we tend to behave like when you put frog in a pot and then slowly warm it till you boil it. If you threw that frog in hot water she'd jump right out with all her might. But when you slowly raise temperature of water she falls asleep and gets cooked alive. Exactly, the same with us humans. I guess evolution can teach us a lot. We just don't get it. The biggest threats are not always spectacular like movies Deep Impact or Armageddon, but more subtle in nature. I don’t know who is to blame, perhaps Holliwood for serving us with these kind of stories or perhaps it is something deep inside of us that causes us as humans to procrastinate, delay, postpone until there is no way out.





  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Our biggest global threat?>p An ever-increasing population allied to ever-diminishing resources. tim

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Virus - I believe that, as with other species, this is nature's own way of cutting overpopulation.

  • jgnat

    Deforestation. Those satellite pictures, with the land bleeding in to the ocean....



  • frankiespeakin

    Over Population.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    That's scary jgnat. I never knew deforestation was happening in Africa too.

    Strangely, I saw this about the Sumatra flooding this morning too:


    It's sad how both these major deforestation projects have been largely propagated by other major events - war in the Congo and the tsunami in Indonesia.

    And I now wonder if the deforestation in South America has to do with the more violent hurricanes in North America (+ higher winds in the UK too), it might be affecting the gulf stream maybe?

    I also watched a documentary the other day about the deforestation of Britain and how it made our country colder and wetter.

    Maybe the bigges threat to mankind is mankind itself - we're literally our own worst enemies.

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