Voodoo and New Orleans

by free2beme 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep
    What I was wondering though, now that you are post Witness, do you still see Voodoo as one of those "super evil" things or have you come to see it like another religion that is out there, like so many others?

    I have since gone back to what I was taught about Voodoo in school--it is a religion. I agree, they use fear tactics just like the rest. It also promotes good wishes. Some religions use prayer, meditation, etc, while they might use jewelry in a certain color, candles or dolls .

    In 2005, I visited New Orleans, and went into a tiny Voodoo shop on Algiers Island. If I remember correctly, we had to sign our names upon entering.

  • betterdaze

    There was an Awake! article years ago about an African woman who was a victim of a voodoo curse. It created a tumor or swelling that made her appear pregnant.

    Of course, she started studying with the Witnesses and disappeared!


  • betterdaze

    I mean, the swelling disappeared, not the lady....


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