Deliberate Revisions.

by Blueblades 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    When the watchtower society revises the text of articles that they wrote in the magazines and books and on the CD's, such as the new revelation book soon to be studied again in the bookstudy arrangement, does this alter their belief system that they had prior to the revisions? Are the revisions inspired or deliberate? If they did not have it right the first and second time ,what makes them think that they have it right this time?


  • GoingGoingGone

    All excellent questions.


  • JK666

    Very Orwellian - He that controls the past controls the future. JK

  • jaguarbass

    It's just evidence that they are confused humans trying to lead the confused sheeple. But you are not supposed to look behind the curtain and see these things. You must be an appostate.

  • Warlock
    If they did not have it right the first and second time ,what makes them think that they have it right this time?

    My experience has been, that revisions are usually not trumpeted, so many do not notice the revision, or it is viewed as a minor adjustment. Sometimes the original view is glossed over, or gets a passing mention. Sometimes no one really remembered the original point being revised.

    For example: I never really felt the full effect of the "Generation" change until about 10 years after it happened. In thinking about what a huge change that was, there should have been a mass exodus from the Org. but few left. That's because the whole thing was minimized. The thought that the "we are in the last days, Armeggedon is just around the corner" position was still being held by the Org. kind of threw me off.


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