Can anyone give me references to the following flip-flop doctrine?

by ukescott 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    "HOW could clergymen and theological authorities have stumbled over God’s name?

    First, a major doctrinal mistake seems to have resulted from taking God’s name out of the Bible. As was pointed out in the last article, evidently "somewhere around the beginning of the second century" the divine name began to be replaced in the "New Testament" with "Lord" or "God." This caused a problem of identification: Which Lord was meant?

    A false premise will always lead to a false conclusion. In programmer's lingo: garbage in; garbage out.

    "taking God's name out of the Bible" never happened in the first place!

    Jehovah's Witnesses are misled by their so-called faithful and discreet slave on this issue.

    This is a lie made up by Judge Rutherford in his contrarian days at the helm of the Watchtower magazine.

    Lie number one: The Jews superstitiously refused to pronounce Jehovah's name.

    This misrepresents on purpose! The Jews were commanded not to take God's name in vain. They took this command very seriously. Taking God's name in vain even accidentally would be blasphemy. To avoid blasphemy by unworthy use of the divine name was their motive. Even today, most reverent practising Jews will write G*D rather than GOD to indicate their viewing the matter as delicate and reverential.

    Lie number two: the Tetragrammaton was used by New Testament writers and later removed.


    The bible used in Jesus' day didn't exist the way we are led to think of a "bible". The SEPTUIGINT was a greek language version of old testament writing which was necessary because Hebrew was no longer known or used by the vast majority of Jews. EL Elohim and Adonai were the SEPTUIGINT's word desgination for God Almighty. An additional 14 or 15 books no longer used today was also contained therein!

    The Watchtower has been carrying on this lie now for decades because it is necessary to prop up support for the clumsy and awkward name JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

    In recent times it has been a huge embarassment to the religion that the pronunciation "GEE HO VAH" has been demonstrated to be false. Yet, JW's bullheadedly barge right ahead using the wrong way out of stubborn recalcitrance. If they truly were humble and fearful of their God's identity would they do so? Or would they humbly rename themselves "Yahweh's Witnesses"?

    Being wrong and lying are the bread and butter of the "faithful and discreet slave" in Brooklyn.

  • blondie

    1879-1929--Superior authorities, secular governments

    1929-1962--Superior authorities, God and Jesus

    1962-now--Superior authorities, secular governments

    Organ transplants

    until 1967--non DFing


    1980-now--non DFing

    People died at Sodom & Gomorrah--Resurrected? In and out of Gehenna several times

    Scream when raped????

    The best flipflops are one that start with premise 1, go to premise 2, and then return to premise 1.


  • Fatfreek

    Great flip-flop summary list, Blondie. Thanks, as always.

    This is such a wonderful thread because the lurker and browser is exposed to objective instances where the Society exposes itself to being the very worst organization a Supreme Being could choose as His earthly representative. Flip flops (and at times, flip flop 4 or more times) are outstanding examples of their lack of the very guidance they claim.

    Unlike the alibis for their failed date predictions where blame is laid at the feet of the rank and file, at least one flip flop is explained where the holy spirit directed it (I suppose you could infer that the Holy Spirit is to blame, a gross inference). I refer to Blondie's reference to the Superior Authorities (known earlier as Higher Powers).

    1879-1929--Superior authorities, secular governments
    1929-1962--Superior authorities, God and Jesus
    1962-now--Superior authorities, secular governments

    They explain (I'm paraphrasing here) the years 1929 to 1962 as tough wartime years where the JW's at that time needed special comforting and guiding thoughts that the wicked governments were not especially superior. These thoughts, though admittedly untrue, could carry them through tough times. Yes, they say, the holy spirit must have directed this teaching reversal at a time they needed it most.

    I like the word Terry used above -- balderdash .


  • Fatfreek

    Yes, I paraphrased above. Here's how they worded it in a WT some 34 years after the fact.

    *** w96 5/1 p. 13 par. 13 God and Caesar ***

    13 In 1929, at a time when laws of various governments were beginning to forbid things that God commands or demand things that God’s laws forbid, it was felt that the higher powers must be Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. This was the understanding Jehovah’s servants had during the crucial period before and during World War II and on into the Cold War, with its balance of terror and its military preparedness. Looking back, it must be said that this view of things, exalting as it did the supremacy of Jehovah and his Christ, helped God’s people to maintain an uncompromisingly neutral stand throughout this difficult period.


  • RevFrank

    watchtower can't make up their mind

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