Christmas Gifts opened and sundry thoughts regarding the season!

by AK - Jeff 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The Three Grand-Munchins have spent the last couple of hours opening and admiring presents. Wifey did all the shopping [mostly] and she did a fine job of it. Joyful moments as they found surprises in each wrap. Then a ton of paper and cardboard to tote off. Later in the day will be spent in-fighting over possessions I suppose - sibling rivalry being what it is.

    This has been a wonderful holiday for us - feels like the first one in many ways. I DA'd in October, so the shackles are torn asunder now. We attended a Christmas Candlelight service last night for the first time. We love the music, the lights, the religious and secular aspects all.

    My mood is high.

    Share your thoughts on the Season?


  • LeslieV

    That is wonderful....Merry Christmas to you and your family. Welcome to the real "world", it really is not as bad as we were lead to believe most of our lives.


  • mrsjones5

    The children had a wonderful time and it was great seeing them rip into those presents.

    We are having some hard times right now with my hubby not feeling well and being off for the last 3 weeks. Back before November I signed my family up of a little help for Thanksgiving and help was available for Christmas but I truely don't remember signing us up for that. Well we got the Christmas help and my kids were able to have a wonderful Christmas. I wish I knew who the Santas are, I'd give them all a big kiss.


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