Hey Guys

by RichieRich 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Hi Guys. Richie Rich here. Its been a while since I've taken the time to catch up around here.

    Here's a little update on me.

    About a month ago, I left Target to go work at a local university as a Research Technician. my schedule is more me-oriented, and I just do my job, there's not much crap from other people. Oh, and the money is better too. That's always a plus.

    I also work part time as a body piercing artist. I really love it. I hang out with my friends and we all go do things together and get wierd looks and sometimes it sucks but overall it's just an amazing experience.

    I am currently dating an amazing young woman who happens to be the coolest chick ever. She's awesome. I'll post a picture.

    I also have a few fun little experiences to share.

    So I pierce at a tattoo shop thats located less than 5 minutes from my old Kingdom Hall. A few weeks ago, four young pioneer girls came in to get their belly buttons pierced. They were pretty shocked to see me, but they handled it pretty well, and we all exchanged numbers before they left.

    I went to pick up my paycheck today, and out of the payroll office walks one of the young ladies who i went to bethel with. I'm wearing jewelry in my pierced septum (its a holiday so not that many people were around) and 1/2" plugs with little pictures of jesus on them, along with shorts (I had to work in the greenhouse) which eposed both tattooed legs. She was digging out my check and she actually asked how I was doing, and we ended up standing there for about 20 minutes, just catching up on things. She let me in on her own little secrets, that she is on her way out and is trying to give herself a month or so to get things together. We exchanged numbers, and she's supposed to call so we can get some dinner sometime.


    Fast approaching is my first christmas and I'm really looking forward to it. I already exchanged gifts with my tattoo shop buddies, and it was so fun to just sit in the resteraunt and eat and drink and be merry, and exchange our little gag gifts. It was amazing. one of my gifts included a little bib that says "My First Christmas".

    For christmas itself, I'm going to visit my cousin who is home from the Army, and then to my grandparents. I'm excited.

    Ok guys, well i just wanted to share all that, and I hope everyone is doing great.

    Oh, here's the pictures.


  • Abandoned


    Good for you. It sounds like your having a good time and finally living life. I enjoyed reading your experiences and I wish you a merry christmas and an amazing new year.


    How come the guys with a bone through thier nose always get the Hot Chicks???..LOL!!..She`s lovely Richie..Merry Christmas to you both...OUTLAW

  • juni

    Richie you are a long way from Bethel bud! She's a cute girl! Are you sure you didn't grab the waitress for the pose???

    Enjoy your holiday!


  • AlmostAtheist

    I don't know how I could be more happy for you, my friend. Enjoy!

    >>one of my gifts included a little bib that says "My First Christmas".

    Sounds like yer hangin' with the right crowd! :-)

    Merry Christmas, you apostate, you!


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Sounds cool rich!!! Glad u r having a blast!!!

  • aniron
    A few weeks ago, four young pioneer girls came in to get their belly buttons pierced.

    Has the WT policy changed on such things?

    There would be much muttering round here if any sister had that done.

  • Confession

    Good to hear from you, Richie.

    Carpe Diem

  • G Money
    G Money

    Super!! She is a cutie pie, if i didn´t have a hottie of my own.... I´d want to meet her sister!

  • blondie

    Glad to hear from you, Richie. Looks like life is moving forward.

    Love Blondie and Irreverent

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