"Fur Therese" - Bagatelle by LVB

by compound complex 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Music Lovers,

    "When Beethoven composed this piece around 1810, he described it as a little 'bagatelle' and hastily scribbled a title on it, which we know as "Fur Elise." Now, however, music scholars believe that Beethoven's illegible title was really "Fur Therese," and the composition intended as a gift for Therese Malfatti, his physician's daughter." GREAT MUSIC'S GREATEST HITS, The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1980, p. 189


    Happy Birthday, Beethoven!

    Belated greetings would be appreciated; Ludwig is de-composing an old body [of works].

    Relative to "Ode to Joy": "When Beethoven conducted the first performance of his Ninth symphony, one of the singers turned him round to acknowledge the clamorous applause which he had not heard; nor had he himself heard a note of the symphony." MUSIC - CLASSICAL, ROMANTIC & MODERN, by Eaglefield Hull, 1927, p. 80


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Has any member of the forum performed Beethoven in a symphony orchestra? Were you, perhaps, a string player? woodwind? brass? percussion? Anyone with conducting experience? Any thoughts on FATE knocking on the door?


  • jgnat

    Compound Complex, you have such an odd sense of humor, LOL. I've done scales on my flute, some of which I might blame on Beethoven. BTW it took TWO HUNDRED YEARS to read his handwriting? It must have been REALLY bad.

  • Clam

    CoComplex - You're really plugging that Beethoven guy here aren't you. You're not his agent perchance? In a poll many would say he was a St Bernard I'm afraid.


  • Sunspot

    Fur Elise was the first classical piece I learned to play (piano) and only learned the main chorus, but I loved it. My favorites are actually Chopin and Rachmaninoff.....and of course a special fondness for Edvard Greig who I am related to on my Norwegian "side".

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