Proud mom moment - have to share.

by Princess 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emma

    How wonderful! You're building good memories. Congratulations to you both! (...and to Grandma Mulan!)

  • Bstndance

    Congrats!! That's so awesome. And it's cool that you're encouraging you're kids to take up hobbies that promote health and exercise.

  • confusedjw

    I love proud parent moments. thanks for sharing.

  • bernadette

    Well done Zoe and mum.

    I love running too. Entered only 1 race though - had lots of fun


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    That's pretty cool. Congrats to Zoe (and Mom).

  • juni

    Congratulations Zoe! That's wonderful that you are taking a part in helping your community with mom.

    I bet you're proud grandma Mulan!!

    Juni PS Has this bad weather affected your family Mulan?? So many w/o electricity for so long.

  • Princess

    We lost power at 10pm Thursday night. Listened to the wind howl all night long, woke to no power. Since about 1 million people in the state were without power, most of the school districts were closed, including ours. My last day to get some shopping done without kids...~sigh~... I have a fantastic husband who had the foresight years ago to purchase a generator and have a transfer switch installed, so we really don't suffer when the power goes out. It came back on at about 2:30pm. Mulan's was out until around 7pm that evening. She went elsewhere for most of the day and was fine. There are still thousands in the area without power. Trees and branches down everywhere.

    Yesterday my son rode his bike while I ran a two mile loop around a golf course across the street. I bribe him with a slurpee for two laps (4 miles). We both think it's a sweet deal (no pun intended). I saw three giant fir trees completely uprooted on the golf course. They had already cleared most of the wood out of the way but the roots were still laying there. It was crazy. Three small vehicles passed us, each carrying a load of downed branches they were clearing off the course. Even in the foul NW winter weather, the golf course was being played. I've seen them out there in driving rain and even snow. I guess that's the NW for you.

    Thanks for your replies!


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