Smiles on Paper Bags

by nothing 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • nothing

    Hello folks, I'm 27 and left the witnesses mentally around the age of 19, and physically around the age of 24. Anyhow, back in the day, my best friend and I would draw cartoons and make up hilarious stories about people in the kingdom hall.....this is what we would do to make it through the meetings. One Sunday morning, my buddy was really depressed and wrote this poem. I found it in a notebook while I was moving last week and thought I would share.

    Smiles on Paper Bags

    written by best friend Jimmy H. during one Sunday morning meeting.

    I see their smiles
    They're painted on well
    Bundles of sorrow
    Hidden living hell
    Scooting about the place
    Their paths seem well chosen
    But their paths are really tracks
    They've been chosen for them
    Lives lost in a joyful praise
    Another righteous judgment
    Hidden tear soaked pillow cases
    As deep hatreds ferment
    This is holy and good
    For they tell us nothing more
    But when your eyes are opened
    Your hearts an open sore
    Do not question this
    You wicked stupid worms
    Go put on your smiles pigs
    You will live by our terms
    We gather here in love
    They're glad to see you here
    Given more reason than any have
    To live our lives in fear
    This dark world we live in
    Has a truly wicked source
    For us sad caged children
    They hold us all by force
    For if you ever question
    Or have a wish of your own
    They can take it all away
    And leave you all alone
    At these times you need them
    They just turn their backs and grin
    They know they are right and you are wrong
    You choose this life of sin
    So never question these things
    Their righteous ways are pure
    If you make changes in your life
    Check with them to be sure
    Now tuck that sadness far away
    Your faith like tattered rags
    Everyone still loves you
    Smiles On Paper Bags

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Their paths seem well chosen
    >>But their paths are really tracks

    Wow. That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

    Thanks for posting that!


  • purplesofa
    For us sad caged children
    They hold us all by force
    For if you ever question
    Or have a wish of your own
    They can take it all away
    And leave you all alone

    That goes deep to the heart


  • love2Bworldly

    Wow, that is a powerful poem. What happened to the person who wrote it?

  • nothing

    >>What happened to the person who wrote it?

    Jimmy and I are still really good friends. We were faders because we both really loved our parents who are strong advocates of the cult, and we didn't want to lose our relationship with them. He lives with a buddy of his, here in a northwest suburb of chicago. We both still revisit the KH once a year for the memorial and reminisce.

  • mrsjones5

    that was great

  • reneeisorym

    Wow. That was awesome.

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