Was Jesus Resurrected Twice

by moomanchu 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moomanchu

    JW's deny the bodily resurrection of christ.

    JW's claim he was resurrected a spiritual being namely Michael .

    Using this line of reasoning then:

    1st JW type resurrection

    'Michael spirit being' was resurrected to

    Jesus 'man'

    2nd JW type resurrection

    Jesus 'man' was resurrected to

    'Michael spirit being'

    IMO These JW type resurrections are more of a transformation of one entity type to another entity type, and not really a resurrection at all. If you are resurrected as something completely different how is your old self alive again? According to JW's there has never been a perfect bodily resurrection. How do they then have any hope or confidence in Jesus's resurrection?

    If this is the case then the salvation of JW's is impossible.

    Rom 10:9 if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart

    that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one

    mediator also between God and men the man Christ Jesus.

    Alright let me have it. Don't be to rough.

  • evetteto

    I'm in agreement with you...

  • Honesty

    Yeah, it's crazy and I sometimes wonder how I got sucked in by this cult of horror.

  • MadTiger

    You have to be careful with what you are presenting.

    I don't have the time to look up the scriptures I will refer to, but rest assured I can come back to the thread to add them. *smile*

    Michael was not "resurrected" to Jesus as a man. That phrase appears no where. That concept appears no where. What we both know is that the LIFE FORCE of Michael was TRANSFERRED to the egg inside his earthly mother Mary. The virgin birth. It NEVER says Michael DIES. (I am not yelling, I don't have an full editor going.)

    The second resurrection is actually a resurrection. The man Jesus was dead for parts of 3 days. If Jehovah had not taken action, he would have REMAINED dead. Jehovah did take action, however, and Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Then later, he cast aside his fleshly body, and ascended to the heavens. This ascension is not a resurrection. It is a transformation.

  • gumby

    My question is......if Jesus was actually raised as a fleshly human, then did he ascend into the heavens with a fleshly body? Is Jesus now flesh in heaven? Is Jesus god? Is god flesh and blood? It seems odd to be that a fleshly Jesus is in a heavenly abode with spirit angels and a spirit father. Maybe Jesus was raised in the flesh and then when he got about 3-5 hundred feet in the air he turned into a spirit.


  • MadTiger

    Maybe it happened when he reached the ionospere (troposhere? etc.).

    Maybe his flesh stripped off after he reached escape velocity. (11.2 km/s)

  • gumby

    I've been kinda curious as to how Jesus walked through walls as a human. If it's because he's Jesus and Jesus can do anything, then why couldn't the angel of the lord kick Jacobs ass when he wrestled him?

    Gumby.....who's glad he not only wised up to the organisation, but also wised up about a book of baloney.

  • MadTiger


    If you want to successfully prove the point you just made, don't you agree
    it really doesn't make logical sense to compare the
    archangel's power and recorded feats to a lesser angels power and record feat (or beatdown (haha))?

    You just did the equivalent of the following:

    If that world-famous soprano could shatter that glass, then why couldn't the soprano at my church do it? They are both sopranos.

    If Brad Pitt could date and marry Jennifer Aniston, then why not Boris Karloff? They are both actors.


    Uh, you get the point.

    If you don't believe the Bible, that's fine. But find better fodder. LOL


    All the devout Christians I know believe Jesus and Michael are two different spiritual creatures.....Jesus was resurected twice though..Once after his death on the cross and once on Opra Winfrey..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • moomanchu
    Michael was not "resurrected" to Jesus as a man. That phrase appears no where. That concept appears no where. What we both know is that the LIFE FORCE of Michael was TRANSFERRED to the egg inside his earthly mother Mary. The virgin birth. It NEVER says Michael DIES.

    How could one of the most powerful angels be transformed into actually not an egg but a sperm?

    What was he doing as that egg and was he alive and aware comin down the birth canal?

    I think at some level he was dead intellectually.

    The second resurrection is actually a resurrection. The man Jesus was dead for parts of 3 days. If Jehovah had not taken action, he would have REMAINED dead. Jehovah did take action, however, and Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Then later, he cast aside his fleshly body, and ascended to the heavens. This ascension is not a resurrection. It is a transformation.

    So then Jesus had another physical body that died?

    In regard to Jehovah takeing action Jesus said "Destroy this temple, and in three daysI will raise it up."

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