Will YOU be the next dead American?

by Nathan Natas 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • fodeja
    The INS (Immigration & Naturalization Service) could have vans ready to take non-citizen Muslims to federal facilities while their passage home is arranged. Then we need to expand that good work to include non-citizens from Islamic countries - we can review VISAs, university admission records, employment records, etc. and begin sending these people back to their comfy HOMES. An appeal could be made for Americans to report to the INS anyone they suspected of being a citizen of an Islamic state.


    Nathan, quite frankly I like that idea much better than all those about full wars against this or that suspect country with no real idea about the enemy. Specifically, fantasies about turning this or that area into a parking lot (what's that obsession with parking lots anyway? Any psychoanalysts here?).

    Even though I cannot imagine that anything remotely similar to "your" plan would ever be implemented in the USA, I wouldn't care _very_ much if it were. That does not mean I would not call it abysmally stupid and wrong, but hey, let people mess up their own countries if they like, let them wave their flags and babble about how free and great and god-blessed they are. Okay with me, as long as they keep the Napalm and nukes at home.


  • Tallyman
    I think ALL americans should go back were to where they came from.

    Then the Indians would get rid of all the terrorists that came and slaughtered them and took their land from them.



    I agree!

    And then the Terrorist Indians should go back from where they came and
    give back the land "Where The Deer and the Antelope Play".

    Animals have Rights, too, y'know!


  • Bridgette

    Well as smattered as it was with seemingly Republican rhetoric, I have to agree somewhat, with what she's saying, IF I understand what she's saying correctly (mouthful). And what I thought she was saying was, simply implement the CURRENT Immigration laws??? to deport those not here legally, with the door open for them to return? In order to investigate whether or not they are terrorists? I could get on board with that, as long as it didn't become an emotion based, crazed witch hunt. I also want American-based hate groups propogated on the web who wrap themselves in the banner of white, christian America under the microscope. I also like LD's getting to know our neighbors--like a huge neighborhood watch. But I don't want McCarthyism, either. What I'd like to see come out of that, is more love and understanding developing on the individual level. I'd love to make friends with some of their women--teach them how to be a good, strong American woman who knows and stands up for her rights! Now, that would undermine. In fact, feminist groups have been active with the women living under Taliban rule for a while.
    Anyway, I want to live in a world, where people don't care what my last name is, what I do or DON'T do for worship (as long as I harm none), what I believe, what color my skin is, what I have for genetalia. I also desperately I want to live in a world where people are not trying to kill me and my children and my neighbors. Somebody across the world declared a holy war on this country. Didn't he declare that some time ago? AND this has not been the first attack--just the first on American soil, with the promise of more? Didn't he warn in Britain that this was coming? Aren't the precepts of his beliefs that everyone should worship like he does? Doesn't he feel free (even religiously obligated) to enforce with DEATH if necessary these beliefs? Aren't there a lot of others like him? Correct me if I'm wrong on any count, because I'm BY NO MEANS an expert on arabic-american relations. I'm trying to sort all of this crap out. And also let me add, that my FIRST thought was that this was some right wing maniac ala-Timothy McVeigh when this first happened. I was actually a little surprised that it appears to be Osama at the root of it. And actually, beyond him, religious fundamentalism.
    I want peace. But even Amnesty International (I just joined--highly recommend it!) investigates prisoners thoroughly and won't sponsor ANYONE who promotes or propagates violence. Can America do the same? I see the danger of people letting their emotions get in the way, old ugly prejudices get in the way of rationale and true justice. We stand at a crossroads. It takes a far more intelligent, and informed person than myself to figure it all out. But one thing I DO KNOW, I want to be alive tomorrow with the breath and brain power to educate myself on these matters and brainstorm about how to solve these problems, and not vaporized like some of those in the WTC, or have my organs liquifying from Anthrax, or my lungs shriveling from nerve gas.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Fodeja from wherever,

    You wrote,

    quite frankly I like that idea much better than all those about full wars against this or that suspect country with no real idea about the enemy. Specifically, fantasies about turning this or that area into a parking lot (what's that obsession with parking lots anyway?

    If it was possible for you to search the messages here by author - and regretably it is NOT possible - you would discover, perhaps to your astonishment, that I have not been one calling for carpet-bombing or nuking of Afghanistan or in any other way turning it into a parking lot. By the way, the whole "parking lot" thing - as in "pave it!" was something actually done by the leader of one Islamic nation against another tribe IN THE SAME NATION. Islam may have been the repository of human knowledge durnig the Dark Ages when the Roman Catholic Church kept people in ignorance, but these Islamic fundamentalists are not cut from the same cloth as say, Rumi.

    It is my hope that after we send these people to their comfy HOMES, we then track down and kill the terrorists.

    Personally, I see no need to stop with Islamic Jihad. There are many flavors of terrorists around the world, and they all taste best DEAD.

    These terrorists are nihilists. It isn't that they want something you have, it is that they do not want anyone to have what you have.

    From your comments, Fodeja, I surmize that you are not in the US. I would guess that you live in a "free world" country, and if so your country is almost as hated by islamic fundamentalists for it's "freedoms" as America is. I hope you don't ever see the citizens you your country murdered by terrorists. Hopefully America and her allies will preserve the freedom that you enjoy when you criticise us.

    I notice that you still have offered no examples of what YOU would do if YOUR nation was attacked by terrorists, Fodeja. Or maybe you would just do nothing?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Bridgette,

    I think you've pretty much got it!

    I feel that before we ask a single American citizen to surrender one iota of an of the freedoms we say we hold dear, we need to act to protect ourselves from a foreign threat.

    The FOX does not have a right to be in the HENHOUSE.

  • unclebruce

    Will I be the next dead American?

    Short answer: No

    Long answer: Geez, the worlds a fucked up place, I'm glad to be headed back bush where the biggest danger is falling trees or getting your toes bitten by a hungry possum.

    cheers, uncle afghan

    PS: Those dopey ragheaded fanatics got the wrong tower!

  • unclebruce

    Hey Tally,

    I love you man! You are so right about most things you comment on brother. (if thinking like me makes one right ;) Look, a lot of bad shit happenned over here, including your package getting knocked off from my daughters normally safe keeping, I am re-posting you this weekend. Best wishes unc.


  • Englishman

    Hi UB!

    You been off walkabout?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • unclebruce

    G'day English,

    Yep, I've been walkabout, burnabout, chop trees about, collect rock about.

    Loved your split-banana trick. A few years ago my sister tried it out on her boyfriend. Funny thing was he was a new arrival from Rumania (where they hardly know food, let alone the exotic ways of tropical fruit) and he worked for The Adelaide Bannana Co. After Sis showed him the new pre-slit bannanas he raced into work to tell his fellow forklift driving mates only to be met by hails of disbelieving laughter .. Debbie lay low for a while (she can be such a bitch ;)

    cheers brother

  • Tallyman
    Look, a lot of bad shit happenned over here, ...


    I figgered something like that musta happened,
    since you've been MIA for so long.

    Some of us thought maybe you got lost in the Outback
    and were ready to send a Search Party over to Oz...
    and find you... and then Party!


    Hey... I just thought... Ouch! speaking of Animal Rights...
    what animal would NOT like to hear someone yelling out "Tally-Ho"??


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