Can someone post quotes on Jesus only being mediator for 144000?

by megsmomma 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • geevee

    I showed this to my brother. He read the QFR. First he thought I had flipped my lid when I said that Jesus wasnt our mediator. After the QFR, he looked up and said, well that;s it then, he's not our mediator, full blind acceptance, no questions asked.

  • Oroborus21

    I don't see why people are confused.

    The Society's teaching is that there are two senses of the word (translated "mediator") and that the scriptures apply accordingly.

    The first sense is that of one who is a go between, or intermediate agent. In this sense Christ is a mediator for all persons just as the Bible states. It is through Christ that mankind may approach God.

    The second sense is a specialized situational meaning of being the means or agent between God and the 144,000 that effects the covenant for a heavenly destination and purpose. In this sense Christ is the mediator for only that group.

    (BTW, I am just saying that it is not contradictory. I don't believe the 144K to be a literal number of those bought from the Earth.)


  • lighthouse19something

    Since wts now says the annointed die off before armageddon comes, the there would be no mediator on earth

  • AuldSoul
    oroborus21: The first sense is that of one who is a go between, or intermediate agent. In this sense Christ is a mediator for all persons just as the Bible states. It is through Christ that mankind may approach God.

    The second sense is a specialized situational meaning of being the means or agent between God and the 144,000 that effects the covenant for a heavenly destination and purpose. In this sense Christ is the mediator for only that group.

    As you said, the Bible states the first sense. The Bible does not state the second sense.

    It is not contradictory to state both opinions. It is contradictory to use the same verse in both senses.

    The book Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" uses 1 Timothy 2:5 in the context of proving that Jesus is mediator for only the 144,000. Elsewhere their publications use this same verse to demonstrate that he is the mediator for all. Doing this is contradictory. Both senses cannot be intended by this verse.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Auld Soul - thanks for pointing that out. they do that so often and get away with it - thats why JWs believe Jesus is their mediator, and also that Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000 they better not partake!

    I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the WT has also defined the word mediator as a position close to a legal representative. so that the next leap to seeing brooklyn as their mediator is a NO BRAINER.

    Is that why when the alarm bells start to (quietly at first) go off in their heads that the WT has set themselves up IN THE PLACE OF the messiah - something starts to slowly stink like a disgusting thing in a holy place?

    thats how I see it happening.

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