My reign of fading is over :-(

by Dune 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    For a long time I regretted going to the elders and ratting on myself.
    But there was a reason I did it that way. I pleaded guilty to a few sins, to avoid having to
    fess up to a boatload of sins.

    Like others have said "Fading is an art form"

    But like others too, I can definitely say now NO REGRETS!

    The outcome of FREEDOM was worth every tear and lost friend.

    My life now out of the "Borg" is the life I always wanted, really, full of love,
    lust, laughter and joy!

    Why drag it out? Your new life awaits you!!!!!

  • Mary
    Dune said: I set up a time to meet up with two elders a couple of weeks from now. A part of me wants to just skip out on it, while the other part feels that i should just duke it out and take the disfellowshipping/dissassociation, i dont think i'll be able to just feign stupidity for an hour of questioning though.

    Dune, according to your profile, you live in the United States. Last time I heard, Americans lived in a free country and you are under no legal obligation to meet with these turkeys if you don't want to, nor do you have to answer ANY of their questions. If it were me, I'd phone one of the elders (when you know he's at a meeting), tell him that something's come up and you can't meet with them after all and say good bye. When they call you to re-schedule another meeting, just let it go through to the voicemail and ignore it. If they come around to the door, either don't answer it, fake sick, or pretend you're on your way out the door. They'll tire of this after a while.

    This is the one thing that I think most people forget: we are under no laws that can make us sit and talk with these goombas. You know as well as I do that it'll be nothing but a kangaroo court designed to see if you think this religion is still being directed by God. No matter what evidence you can show them that proves it's not, it makes no difference, so why put yourself through that?

    Best of luck!

  • Swamboozled

    Dune, according to your profile, you live in the United States. Last time I heard, Americans lived in a free country and you are under no legal obligation to meet with these turkeys if you don't want to, nor do you have to answer ANY of their questions. If it were me, I'd phone one of the elders (when you know he's at a meeting), tell him that something's come up and you can't meet with them after all and say good bye. When they call you to re-schedule another meeting, just let it go through to the voicemail and ignore it. If they come around to the door, either don't answer it, fake sick, or pretend you're on your way out the door. They'll tire of this after a while.

    Mary gives excellent advice, and it works. Just be busy, sick, tired, on your way out, depressed, whatever you can think of. It's wondeful that so many have found a surge of relief by finally disassociating or getting DF'd, but for many of us, it's just not the best scenario. Do what is best for you, but just know that meeting with the smelders is easily avoided. You just have to get creative!

  • Junction-Guy

    I see 2 options here, one you could come clean and tell them exactly how you feel-at the risk of being disfellowshipped and being shunned. Or you could string them along and use a little reverse "Theocratic Warfare Strategy" by telling them that you just dont feel like going to the meetings anynore, but you still think it is Jehovah's organization and the truth. With the last option I doubt they would disfellowship you, but it might still keep you on their radar though. The ball is in your court, decide how you want to pursue it. Good luck!!---Dave

  • moshe

    Go to a meeting- ONE only.Arrive one minute before the bell and then- Leave early, so the elders can't corner you after the meeting, -get sick-cough-cough. That should start the clock again - they are looking for any excuse to leave you alone- hopefully some urgent pedophile stuff will come up at the KH and , 'ol Dune will be forgotten. As mentioned, don't ever talk to those two elders-it's a setup.

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