Why do people start cults? Brainwashing, Thought Control.......

by AK - Jeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I found this to be an interesting article - nothing new, but thought I would share. There is much more to the article. Good read.


    Brainwashing, Thought Control and the Cults


    Why do people start cults?

    Few set out to "start a cult," at least intentionally. Rather, they are individuals who feel they have something to offer that no one else has; some special understanding or anointing from God, etc. Their opinion of themselves gets inflated, and they soon allow for no dissention or differences of opinion among their followers. Their growing number of recruits give them a sense of power and affirmation, further corrupting their fallen nature. Gradually they lose any real humility, fully believing they are God's sole spokesman to the world.

    Why do these leaders reject orthodox Christianity?

    Orthodoxy has been established over a period of 1900 years by Christian leaders and theologians who have battled heresy with sound logic from the Word of God. They recognize that theology is complex. Within orthodoxy, many of the finer points of belief can be debated over and over, leaving differences of opinion, while both sides retain the same basic beliefs. An upandcoming cult leader, however, considers himself superior to the church and its scholars, writing them off as uneducated fools; while nurturing the belief that he is God's spokesman to the world. Often ignoring the work of Greek and Hebrew scholars and seminarians, he sets himself up as the sole interpreter of the Bible.

  • FreedomFrog

    For the money...greed.

  • parakeet

    Wealth, prestige, but most of all -- power.

  • bernadette

    .........and bullying others gives their sel inflated egos a boost. Then they become detached from reality.

    followers too aid and abet. they want their golden calf - its a vicious circle

  • hillbilly

    Simple..if you build one, they will come. Most cults offer some pie in the sky idea that appeals to something in someone. That something usually centers around getting something for nothing.

    Most anyone who converted to the WT bought into the idea of the big pay-off... life everlating in Paradise. But for what? Living like a good, moral person should (plus giving up Saturday mornings till the end of time).

    Cults are a con.


  • james_woods

    From what I read of the history, probably C.T.R. did not premeditate starting the JW cult (i.e. the Bible Students at the time). It just sort of happened along with publishing the magazine. Plus, he had plenty of help from others of the Adventists splinter groups. Eventually, though, like all the other cult leaders, the ego took over and he started grabbing power away from his minions and making himself the "messinger of God".

    However, I really believe that both Joseph Smith and L.Ron Hubbard knew perfectly well what they were doing from the very start, and did it out of greed for money and power.

    Not that it makes a great deal of difference whether Russell thought it out beforehand - the result was the same in the long run.


    Money, power, and women sex.

  • *jeremiah*

    They could be just answering the call of their Lord........Satan.

    Good 'ol sneaky snake.

  • M.J.

    The article is correct. It may start innocently enough. I myself have taken a role in starting a certain "fraternal" organization. As a leader of such a group you run into questions such as:

    how do you keep people enthused and dedicated to the organization and its goals? People are generally SLACKERS! Some won't even do the bare minimum required! Well, we'll have to set up some sort of policing committee for one thing. How do we get them hyped up about what we're trying to accomplish here in the first place?

    Depending on the nature of the group any number of indoctrination methods will produce extremely effective results. It works! But once you start going down that path, along with sanctions for "wrong" behavior, it can easily be taken so far that you get to the point where the group's entire sense of reality has been radically altered, to where the group takes on more importance than any individual! How far it goes all depends on the external environment (which can be shut out), context, nature of your organization, etc. Call me for a complete guide.

  • Amazing


    Good article, and on target. One can see the WTS right in the middle of that article.


    Jim W.

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