Why JWs and ex JWs Return to Watchtower

by Victor_E 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    All generalizations have an exception you have found one. Let me say it a different way I am tolerant of your beliefs so long as you don’t infringe upon mine and so long as you cause me no harm. If you have beliefs that attack or minimize mine I have a choice of how to respond. My religion now is the synthesis of my past experience learning from it and working on developing compassion. My religion works for me and I make no claim to it being true or right. It is very functional and practical …but its theology is not written in stone.

    We should be ready to revise any belief, we should change a belief where there is compelling reason to change it, and we should not change a belief wantonly without some good reason. The first point needs intellectual courage, the second, intellectual honesty, and the third, wise restraint. Do not believe anything but question only what is worth questioning

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