Emergency !!!! Can Any One Help?

by Ranchette 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    she should try possibly the YWCA and the campus housing authority.

  • Bridgette

    "In this case, almost total strangers showed more love than flesh and blood JW parents."

    Hey everybody! Alert the media!! The above is a shocking revelation indeed! NOT. pathetic, but not surprising. I've heard of 14 year olds being kicked out for not towing the line. In these cases, I wish there were some legal precidence where in the "society" could be sued for reparations (after all, those of us raised in "it" did not ask for it and would've jumped on college educations with both feet).
    How much longer does she have? Once she gets her license, she'll be okay. Especially as a hygenist, they make very decent money. Would she qualify for emergency assistance of any kind? Contact any and all local charity---from the red cross, to the government agencies. Look in the papers for older people needing someone to just stay with them. Many are not sick, they are just afraid to stay alone--they will trade room and board for company, and sometimes even pay a small stipend for housework, etc.
    Good luck to your sister. Tell her NOT TO GIVE UP!

  • Francois

    Sell the truck. Today.

    Take up the offer from the ex-Marine father if it's available.

    Finish the schooling, even if the school sounds fraudlent.

    Pick the best direction you can go in and get started. You will eventually get there.



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