NAFTA Super Highway!!!

by skyking 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyking

    NAFTA Super Highway Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football-fields-wide, through the heart of the U.S. along Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minn. trucks will cross border at the borders in FAST lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI” system. The American public is largely asleep to this key piece of the coming “North American Union” that government planners in the new trilateral region of United States, Canada and Mexico are about to drive into reality. The planned NAFTA Super Highway would radically reconfigure not only the physical landscape of these United States, but our political and economic landscapes as well.

    The proposed Super Highway is the plan to do away with our borders, as evidenced by the joint U.S.-Mexico Customs facility that is already under construction in Kansas City, Missouri. A U.S. Customs checkpoint in Kansas City? But that's a thousand miles inside America's heartland; isn't the purpose of U.S. Customs to check people and cargo at our borders? Can you speak Spanish? alt

  • *jeremiah*

    Hey Skyking,

    check out this thread if you haven't already seen it:

    What's interesting is that it seems like a lot of folks are chalking this up as conspiracy theory and simply writing it off as an impossibility.

  • skyking

    In Texas this year it is huge News. One of my friends here in Idaho grew up in Texas and the ranch he grew up on is still owned by his parents. They have been notified that the highway is going right through their land. Yes, they are getting paid for the land that is going to be used. Here is the problem they will not be able to access the other side of their property. To gain access to the other side they will have to drive a 160 miles in one direction and then back 160 miles in the other direction making their ranch worthless.

    He said the school will have the same problem how are they going to buss the kids to school, families on the other side of the highway will have to travel hundreds of mile just to get to the school that their taxes support. So they will either home school the kids or find a new school. This is not your average highway there will not be many underpasses it is going to divide the country like an undone zipper.

    jeremiah I read your thread and the responses to it. Thanks

  • smellsgood

    Well,,,we've gotta make it easier to dump heavily subsidized american corn on the Mexican market *rolls eyes*

    I don't think this could possibly happen without it being broadcast by a major news organization...we shall see. There are smaller highways that will cause properties to be bought out, the property in Idaho is probably not succumbing to this grandiose unrealistic superhighway non-project.

  • Satanus

    Well jeepers, maybe there will be some underpasses, dontcha think? Anyway, is that your biggest worry? Maybe it's an evil scheme to trick those mexicans to miss america and land up here, in canada. That would be irritating. We already have the quebec 'nation within a nation' thing to deal w.


  • skyking

    Santanas That is the big thing. There will be some underpasses but not many. There has been a lot of town meetings almost weekly in various places around the nation. This is one of the points local people are concerned about. That is the lack of underpasses. Some communities if this thing goes throw will virtually be cut off from the towns they call home. This is going to be the price of progress. They will either have to move or live with it.

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