Thank Scotland for That.

by nelly136 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • nelly136

    For the amazing scenery burned into my memories,

    the bloaters....never came home without a box of those,

    cullen skink...warming and filling,

    peanut butter and marmalade toast sitting round the arga where we used to stay,

    HAGGIS.......... wont go there,

    Kilts n Bagpipes ( bless the geezer that played them at 5am on that campsite so we could get up and treck across fields looking for what was left of our tents)

    but whatever happened to

    where have the Proclaimers gone these days?????????

  • LittleToe

    Glad ya enjoyed yoursel. What parts did you visit?

  • nelly136

    blimey its been a long time, half the places i couldnt pronounce or remember the name let alone spell,but some of the ones i can remember are

    the cable car ride up the skiing mountain, glencoe glenshe?

    a big battle ground wildness place

    balmedie sands, lynne of dee,

    played the biggest game of draughts with long sticks...think that was aberdeen, (did casualty at aberdeen when i fell off a haystack at the farm we stayed at)

    duffy park ?

    edinburgh (hated the zoo but it was marginally better than that assembly)

    oban sealife centre while it was still quite new and basic, a whole lot of castles, fortwilliam, got to see the top of nevis on one of those rare clear days, a landlord of a pub there said people had airbed races down it (think he might have been winding us up on that one)

    paddled in loch ness ( poor nessie)

    did a couple of the islands, no idea what they were called but i think they used one for the hammer house of horror werewolf that diana dors was in, we used one of those flat ferry things to one of them

    usually we stayed with friends in udny and travelled across from there then they moved to inch(sp) i think the last place i stayed was newton of tollow or summat.

    pitlockery for the salmon steps.

    one of the coasts we went to the sea was crystal clear when you rowed out and my dad picked up a huge red jellyfish on his oar (had never seen anything like that on sea or beaches down here) but ive no idea whereabouts that was.

  • ballistic


    "half the places i couldnt pronounce or remember

    i fell off a haystack

    duffy park ?

    a landlord of a pub there said people had airbed races

    did a couple of the islands, no idea what they were called

    but ive no idea whereabouts that was"

    nothing to do with the scotch whisky was it?

    sorry couldn't resist it.

  • nelly136

    whisky moi?, as if !

  • deeskis


    You're making me all homesick!

  • nelly136

    did you move from there dee?

    the stocks and stirks thing by area used to fascinate me, stocks one place stirks another, we just call em cows or bulls down here, and i think you have a different name for wurzels?

  • confusedjw

    I would really love to visit Scotland as it's the origin of my people. I've fantasied that if my cancer comes back of just taking my dog and going to some small town in Scotland and having one last adventure.

  • confusedjw

    I would really love to visit Scotland as it's the origin of my people. I've fantasied that if my cancer comes back of just taking my dog and going to some small town in Scotland and having one last adventure.

  • deeskis
    did you move from there dee?

    My family moved over to Australia, I was 21, so I've lived in Oz longer now than I did in Scotland. I love Australia, it's a great country to live in, but the call is still there

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