Help please with some information I need

by skyking 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyking

    I need an article from a Newspaper or Web site that is not officially a apostate site with information about the Oct. 6, 2000 announcement on the reorganization changes. Please post a down load of any information so I can print it or a link to a article not from an apostate site.

    I have done a through search for this and have came up empty other than articles from the Watchman and the Watchtower informational services

    Thanks in advance.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I did a little google search and did not find any newspaper quotes on the subject. Have you tried looking at archived newpapers in NYC and Brooklyn, it was likely reported there.


  • skyking

    No I was hoping someone here had copied on of the articles. The Society announced the change to the worlds press long before they told the Congregation at the Assembly that summer. I knew about it from a News paper article and told many about the change. I was almost tarred and feathered because of this. Then at the summer Assembly it was announced and I got my told of so. I had all the information at one time but some one came in to my house while I was out and took all information about the local congregation Elder body dealing I had a journal and information I was compiling about the BORG. My wife did not take it so I am sure the BORG ELDERS took it.

    Last night when I mentioned this change to a BORG member he said prove it but it had not better come from an apostate site. I had all that information and it pisses me off someone stole it.

  • valkyrie

    Absolutely unrelated to your particular query, however...

    ...while searching I came across this old (1998) piece of news that demonstrates the important purchasing power of the WTS. Don't know why, but I was flabbergasted at the sum involved, and the plans for further real estate development and transactions:

    Florida Stadium's Debris May Be Used as Artificial Reef.

    From: Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News | Date: November 12, 1998 | Author: Liewer, Steve |

    Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News

    Nov. 12--West Palm Beach's venerable spring-training baseball stadium could find itself at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean as a home for fish.

    The 36-year-old stadium is doomed for destruction after the purchase of the stadium and auditorium site by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the corporate arm of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The city sold the property to the religious group last summer for $12.5 million.

    This week, the county's Tourist Development Council suggested that the Jehovah's Witnesses donate some of the debris to the Florida Department of Environmental Resources Management for use as an artificial reef.

    "They are particularly interested in large structural pieces that can be used to create these artificial reefs offshore," TDC Executive Director J. Charles Lehmann wrote in a letter to Watchtower this week.

    Allan Janzen, Watchtower's convention manager, said the reef plan came up in a recent conversation with Lehmann.

    "I said, 'Hey, it sounds like an interesting idea. Write down all the details and send them to me in a letter, and we'll consider it,' " Janzen said.

    Lehmann was unavailable for comment. But County Commissioner Warren Newell, chairman of the county's Artificial Reef Committee, said chunks of the baseball stadium would make an excellent addition to the reef network.

    "The arched roof structure is probably what we're looking for," Newell said.

    "The arches would make a great habitat for the fish to live under."

    The sinking of derelict ships offshore generates the most publicity for the county's 10-year-old artificial reef program and creates a handful of high-profile sites for divers to visit.

    But Newell said the reef committee also likes certain types of rubble to form a less-dense chain of fish habitat between the large ships, or in the Lake Worth Lagoon.

    Concrete roof trusses recently were sunk in the lagoon, he said, and the reef committee frequently salvages large pipes and boulders from the Solid Waste Authority.

    Newell said arrangements also are in the works to scuttle the remains of the north span of the Royal Park Bridge, which has been undermined by tiny wood-boring animals and must be replaced.

    "You want to pick things that are very stable, that will stay there," Newell said.

    Lighter items such as toilets and tires have been turned down for use as artificial reefs.

    Janzen said a decision is still far off on what to do with the remains of the stadium, made of wood and concrete. While Watchtower plans to keep the 28 acres nearest Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard and Congress Avenue, the remaining 44 acres will be cleared and sold for offices and houses.

    "We're still in the planning stages," Janzen said.

    Visit the Sun-Sentinel on the World Wide Web at

    COPYRIGHT 1998 Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News

  • Scully

    I dug around in the JWD archives and found these posts. I don't know if the information is still available on the site, or if the other links are available on the H2O archives.

    PathofthornsRe: Annual Meeting! 3 New Corporations! Transfe...
    Post 351 of 2448
    since 04-Jun-00

    Thanks for the info MDS. Here's what the official site says:

    For Immediate Release
    October 7, 2000

    Jehovah's Witnesses revise legal
    organizational structure
    to further stress 'the ministry of the word'

    The world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses today announced some revisions to their legal organizational structure that will allow them to keep pace with their growth. The Christian group currently numbers six million active members worldwide.

    The revisions, which were announced at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania held today in Jersey City, New Jersey, include the appointment of new directors to the Watch Tower Society and the setting up of three new nonprofit corporations in the United States. The seven new directors are experienced ministers who have already been serving in various administrative functions at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The Governing Body, which currently numbers 13 members, will continue to focus on Bible doctrine, evangelizing, and pastoral care. In 1999 more than 14 million attended the services of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Contact: James N. Pellechia, telephone: (718) 560-5600

    Copyright © 2000 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
    All rights reserved.

    Your summary is interesting MDS. It will be interesting to see if what you say ultimately works out to be correct.

    I find it funny that they say these changes are so they can "keep pace with their growth" which in an increasing part of the world is stagnant and negative.

    I find it also interesting that these 7 seem likely to be non-annointed. One more evidence that the old men of the GB are not able to do what they used to and one more step to abandonning the increasingly rediculous notion that the annointed calling stopped in 1935.

    Further this appears to put more authority in the hands of "the given ones" (lol) If this is the case, will it allow a take-over of the Society, or is this some plan to have some sort of stucture set up when these GB finally knock off?

    Also would not any common annointed member not have authority over any of these non-annointed 7 directors? How does this play out when the "foreigners" are exercising authority over "spiritual isreal"?

    As usual the explaination for these major changes is minimal and leaves many unanswered questions. It will be interesting to see how the press responds to this.

    As well, i wonder at what point will people start asking questions and scratching their heads at all this change. Funny how we're not supposed to be on the net, yet those who are seem to be the first to know everything, or seem to be the ones who actually know anything at all.

    Path (very disappointed if this change comes down to money)

    Edited by - Pathofthorns on 8 October 2000 19:32:9

    IP: rRHoREV/clBMS/s8
    PathofthornsRe: Annual Meeting! 3 New Corporations! Transfe...
    Post 352 of 2448
    since 04-Jun-00

    Just noticed this at H20. This person, (who by the way puts up some good stuff) presents an alternate, or perhaps complimentary possiblity in addition to that put forth by MDS.


    is this a major turning point in the beginning of the end?


    IP: rRHoREV/clBMS/s8
  • Scully

    The news release is still available at the site. From the main page, click "Events" in the left sidebar, and a roster of archived news releases comes up. It's the one dated 10.07.00.

    Now you have an official Theocraticâ„¢ source.

  • skyking

    Thanks Scully this will be useful,.

    I hope someone out there has a copy of an newspaper article. Please post if you do.

  • Gerard
  • garybuss
  • skyking

    Garybuss thank very much

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