Impossible situation! Can it ever work?

by smily 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • smily

    Well, Things have moved on...My JW man has been agonizing over whether he should be seeing me or not?! If I was a JW it would all be different?! Is that not like saying if I was not "black,american,german,white ect" surely this is racism of some kind? Why am I to be punished for what I have never been? So I have agreed (mind with a very heavy heart) to have a look?! (you all knew this was coming and have heard it all before,Iam sure!) The weight seems to have lifted (at least somewhat temporarly) from him to ME! Can this ever be resolved? Can love really triumph over THIS? I feel better when I think of him...he seems so much happier now? but have I somehow given false hope? Our we doomed?

    Advice please? You are all so much wiser and more experienced than I !!!!!!!

  • unique1

    Nothing can hurt by having a look, but make sure it is YOUR decision and not merely blinded love. You may be able to point out inconsistancies and bring some doubt into his mind. Good luck. Leaving is a slow torturous process.

  • bythesea

    Smily....aaaahhhh, the things people won't do for love!!! I don't think it is right to give someone false hope, if that is what you're doing, but you might be able to turn this around and use it to your good....the Bible study you have agreed to, I mean. I assume that is what you meant by agreeing to "have a look"...???

    You may be able to use a Bible study to form questions about what you are learning and get him to rethink some of his stand and dedication to the religion. Many on this forum can help you to see the inconsistancies in their books and their doctrine. Use this as an opportunity to read up on the religion's beginnings and past history then have your friend explain it to you...chances are he isn't aware of their flip flops and past doctrinal changes... it might get him to think about things!

    Don't let your boyfriend make you feel like you aren't good enough as you are....and probably it isn't HIM who feels that way, its just the pressure he receives from the WTS that tells him he shouldn't be forming relationships with anyone outside of the org. Good luck on this one, Smily!!

  • serendipity

    If you're interested in marriage, you need to consider what your values, goals and interests are. What about his? (The WTS will probably define his goals.) How much overlap is there? Even though you're probably not looking for a clone, there's usually an expectation of some (many?) similarities.

    How would you feel if he won't celebrate holidays with you? How would you feel if he disappears to meetings three times a week, plus field service on Saturday mornings? If he plans to be a "good" JW, his life will revolve around the religion. If he's not zealous, he will feel guilty and/or people will put pressure on him to 'reach out'.

    Marriage counselors will tell you that religious differences are a challenge to overcome, especially if children are involved. The odds aren't in your favor, especially considering the JW mindset that their beliefs are 'the truth'. Your beliefs won't be respected and he will try to convert you. How do you feel about that?

    If you haven't thought through this, I'd advise you do it quickly, so if you decide to end the relationship, you can do it sooner rather than later, to minimize the heartache.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW


    I'll try to condence my story. I've been married 27 years....never been a JW, married to a 3rd gen JW

    I was a nonJW male who at age 18 befriended a female JW 16 (friend of a family member). We had a strictly platonic friendship for two years, until her mother read her diary describing her feelings for me. Her parents stepped in and put an end to the friendship, we were at the time 20 and 18. She moved away, I moved away...I called her about a year later out of the blue. She asked me to come visit her. The relationship turned more than platonic...we got married six months later. During most of our marriage my wife was not an everyday practicing JW.....far from you would figure that the JW religion couldn't possibly have an effect on our marriage, right ? Wrong.

    She was still raised a certain way and with certain JW beliefs. Even though she may not have consciously realized it, she still carried many of the same JW beliefs into her role as a parent.

    The things that have caused MAJOR arguements between us as parents : attending church, celebrating holidays, kids participating in sports, kids participating in other activities, our social life with other couples, our roles as parents, whose family was nuttier her JW or my nonJW, on and on...blah, blah, blah.

    On top of that, we moved 1200 miles away from her JW parents. Five years later they moved down the street. Her JW mother has tried everything ih her power to convert our kids including constantly going behind our backs and badmouthing us as parents.

    My point is not only have a relationship with the person, but also their family. If their family is also JW, then even if your mate is not practicing, then there is still an enormous influence.

    When I got married, I never thought that I would argue with my mate about whether or not my kids would play little league baseball or HS football or celebrate holidays.

    3 words of advice THINK THINGS THROUGH.

  • new boy
    new boy

    It reminds me of another story.

    A french women in WWII fell in love with a NAZIS soldier. He was perfect in every way, they where very happy together!! There was just one little problem..................his job..........he worked in a death camp!..........JWS hope & pray that God will KILL 6 BILLION people soon so that they can be happy.......Thats Billions not millions!........... That is alot more than even the Nazis wanted to kill........That will include all your "worldly friends & relatives"....(and if you don't believe me ask your boy friend what will happen to them)......If you don't have a problem with that,,,,,,check it out!..............It might be the perfect religion for you.......... it is for 6 million others.

    I know that sounds harsh!...............But I was a NAZIS card carrrier........for 52 years!

    I know love is blind............but it sure would be nice if it wasn't


    What has drawn you to him is probably the personality he developed by being a dub.

    If he leaves the dubs he will be a different man.

    Marriage is hard enough, why add stress?


  • nelly136

    you've already seen the affect it has on his life, having to sneak around and live by someone elses rules, lie to people you supposedly care about. would he be going back at all if his family/friends werent already in and he stands the chance of losing them?

    he knew full well you werent one and he was one when he started seeing you, ( but didnt have the curtesy to mention it till later) so its rather unfair of him to pull that card, he walked in with his eyes open.

    has he mentioned how long it takes to bible study to baptism?

    what happens if you dont progress fast enough?

    has he mentioned what will happen if you try it and dont like it? will he still see you or will you have had another year or two to get attached to him before he dumps you for an already baptised and more suitable partner than just a bible study.

    you could try questioning everything but then you wont progress very quickly and they may decide youre an unworkable bible study.

    if you try it and dont like it would he be prepared to leave it for you?

    if you get baptised for him and get married and want to leave after do you want your kids if you have any to be told mummys going to die at armageddon? how do you feel about the blood issue if they ever have an accident?

    jws will often use the just try it and see approach to convert partners, if you question the doctrine/beliefs you can be classed as a spiritual endangerment ( they can bin a partner for that if they choose)

    he's got all cheerful now because you've agreed, hope youre prepared to keep agreeing cos else his happy mood isnt going to last long if you dont, does your happiness count for anything?

    if you start the bible study will he then introduce you to his family and friends as his partner or will you have to wait some more? (just a little bit longer i promise)

    i wish you luck but i think youre going to be putting a lot of effort and heartache into a relationship where youre never going to be met half way and everything you do will be on condition it suits him and the jws.

  • nelly136
    nelly136 maybe you should check this thread out.

  • smily

    Thanks for all the help! I always knew he was a JW that was never a secret I think I just never took it seriously also because he was df'd!.Now that he is reinstated its all a much bigger issue.I have met his family and friends he is not hiding me! It was my idea to have a look because it is so obviously important to him!!! He has not tried to convert me yet! No bible study has been suggested.just a look at the books and beliefs.

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