Was there ever.......?

by lavendar 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lavendar


    Dear ex-Witnesses: Was there ever a time, when you were out in service, that someone at the door said something that got you thinking about the WTS?........Anything that created some doubt about the org. in the your mind? If so, do you remember what it was?



  • Pahpa


    I remember having a long discussion with a minister about the use of Jehovah in the N.T. of NWT. He devasted the arguments I presented. I could only answer that I strongly felt that some day a manuscript would be discovered that would justify the Watchtower's position. I never forgot the experience.

    On another occasion, I met a very elderly couple who belonged to the Associated Bible Students who told me about the Rutherford takeover of the organization and subsequent purge of faithful members of the Watchtower. At the time, I accepted that this kindly old couple were of the "evil slave" class. But their words stayed in my memory.

  • Carmel

    Whilst just a we tot, I was on the porch of a prospect with one of the laddies in our congregation. The "prospect" came around the screen door with a doubl barrel shot gun aimed skyward, yellin about "dam commie Jehovahs" "get off my place if you want yer britches intact" We flat hustled off the property and never looked back.


  • sass_my_frass

    Somehow my pioneer partner and I were talking to a bloke at his door about womens' role in marriage (serve) and that I agreed with it. When we left it wasn't so much that I disagreed with the role, more that I realised how cowed witness women are and look, and I felt very un-PC.

  • VanillaMocha73

    An elder brought me along on a return visit to this lady and her husband, as his wife was not out in service. They brought out Kingdom of the Cults and started trying to talk with the elder. He was so rude to them, in their own home, that I wanted to fall through the couch. I spent the entire visit trying to make up for his lack of manners and rudeness. In the end, they gave me a tract invitation to their church, which I tucked into my Bible and thought no more about for 2 years.

    After I was df'd and then told that I could not be accepted back, after trying for a year, because my former husband was still in good standing, so it would look inappropriate to reinstate me, this tract fell out of my Bible. What a coincidence!!! I went to their church one morning, mostly because I wanted to apologize to the lady for the rude behaviour. It was so wonderful that I kept going to their church before the KH on Sunday mornings and eventually caught myself saying "I've been to the church of love, now I have to go to the church of condemnation."

    I have now become a Christian and am happily married to a minister. God has blessed me greatly!

  • nelly136

    householders never did, it was jw's themselves that made me think all was not well.

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