New "doom and gloom" brochure

by TR 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    The brochure "The New Millenium- What Does The Future Hold For You?" was just deliverd to my house this morning. My wife answered the door and took it from an elder JW that I saw walking away as my wife shut the door. I recognized him but don't remember his name. He just handed it to her wothout any discussion. I wonder if this is a new thing. Handing out tracts with no discussion. Or, maybe he was aware of my "apostacy", and didn't want to talk. Have any of you guys got this brochure?

    More of the same, in my opinion. Pollution, Sickness, Poverty, and War are some of the paragraph headings. Then it goes on to describe paradise earth via "Bible Stories book" pictures and the same tried and true scriptures. Interestingly, they mention: "There the focus is on physical events that have taken place since 1914, such as global war, pestilences, and widespread food shortages." "Soon the last days will end." But nothing more is said about 1914.

    "Knowledge That Leads to Life!" is the heading for the paragraph on the back of the brochure. Of course John 17:3, 1 Tim. 3:16 are cited.
    Scare tactics are still the tricks of the trade, I guess.


    Edited by - TR on 4 November 2000 20:13:6

  • waiting

    Hey Tom,

    My husband's mother brought us "our personal copies" a couple of days ago. Same old brochure infor. since brochures started in the '70s. And she made sure to tell me that she had 50 copies to distribute - just like the '70s. Things really haven't changed much in the last 30 years.

    We're still here, the end is right around the corner, and got to get those brochures passed out.

    At least she didn't hold out her hand for a contribution.


  • RedhorseWoman

    TR, the information I've picked up from touring around the active JW sites indicates that this brochure campaign is "no talking, or minimal talking, and hand them the brochure".

    Supposedly, this wondrous new information is SO important that they can't take the chance of a refusal. Most of the JW's are planning to leave their bookbags at home during the tract distribution so they don't spook anyone.

    No one has been around to our area yet. In fact, we very seldom have ANY witnesses call on us. I'm beginning to think we're living in unassigned territory....oh, please, God, let us be in unassigned territory!!

  • TR


    I don't ever remember a "hand out tract, no discussion" campaign before. Another "easing up" on the flock maneuver?(like there ever was such a thing) I bet it makes field service a little more bearable.
    Yeah, the tract is a rehash of ancient WT dribble. They still cling to 1914, without the "generation" part.


    I wonder if your mother in law paid twice for the tracts. It reminds me of when I was the "accounts servant". I was the one up there on the podium at the ministry school meeting giving the monthly report. For a while we were in the red, and the p.o. tried to get me to fudge the report to make it balance. Them were the days.


  • Pathofthorns

    This campaigne is the same as the last 2 tract campaigne. Publishers get 50 tracts to distribute, pioneers get 200 (i think). There is a time frame, i think about a month to distribute to all in the territory.

    First, a very basic presentation is given. If no one is home, the tract is just left in the door/mailbox. If the congregation territory is huge, or they get behind, the tract is just delivered, no knocking.

    The message in this one was disappointingly one of the same old, like Waiting said, the same lines as have been given the last 30 years.

    KN#34 was particularly difficult to deliver. Very anti-catholic, hard language used. Many complaints from Catholics in the territory. #35 was a nicer message. About neighbourly love or something, but at least the message was more that of Christianity and showing love. Not a bad effort.

    I find it is likely an effort to get weak ones out in the ministry, as it is "easy service". Plus it generates alot of hype, and people do take the tract, which makes you feel good. I think these tactics are wearing thin though.

    But then again, lots are still caught in the loop and enjoying the KN#36 campaigne.


  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    When the first tract came out in the mid 70's - we were supposed to just say hello, offer the tract, say thank you and leave. We also had a time frame to work our 50.

    Some young dork brothers ambushed the area - got their 50 out and then struted around like peacocks (all fluff - no brain). Just begging we ones who didn't have our 50 "placed" yet to share with them as they now had nothing to do in service.

    What a crock.


  • Pathofthorns

    I just wanted to finish up and get to the beer store to pick up a case. Then just hang out with the elders and boys and kill it while we talked about all the problems and eat high fat BBQed foods

    I think for half of us, assemblies and service drove us to drink.


  • Frenchy

    Hey, Path, you think that you had problems with assemblies?
    I was the cleaning overseer!!!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • DriveslikeJehu

    I'll be an attendant at my circuit assembly this weekend. The KN#36 was a lot of fun for my friends and I. Some of them were shy, and keeping the presentations short helped them come out of their shell a bit.
    One Saturday, we stayed out until 7:30 in the evening! That was great. Almost everyone we talked to at the door was very relaxed and receptive. Even if they were busy with yardwork or something outside, they took the time to listen to us and even scan the tract before returning to their work.

  • waiting

    Hey DriveslikeJehu,

    My friends went to one-day special assembly this weekend. I asked my friend what pertinent information was given that he could remember.

    I used to hate it when people would put me on the spot like that - never could remember anything at first.

    He recollected the following points being strongly hammered in by our CO:

    1. No sister will be allowed to give a talk or presentation if her skirt is above her knees. The elders were to caution sisters, even in the audience, about the proper length of their dresses/skirts.

    2. Stop asking elders for advice. Research it for yourself. Use the CD-rom "rightly contributed for" to do "in-depth" research.

    3. Go back to the "old school" on disfellowshipping. Absolutely no talking to a disfellowshipped person - even if they're in your family.

    According to this brother - these were the spiritual highlights of the CO's talk - which is usually the spiritual highlight of the assembly.

    I wasn't impressed, but thanked him cordially for information that has been taught us for at least 30 years. Well, short skirts since the 60's.


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