The Inquisition. Have you been a victim?

by hambeak 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DannyHaszard

    Danny's Blog my kangaroo court Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts

  • Gopher

    From personal experience, I can say that two large factors in how these inquisitions come off are: 1) The elder's like or dislike for the "offender", and 2) whether the "offender" looks contrite, perhaps even begging to stay in the organization.

    In my case, there were no concrete examples of "lying", the offense I was charged with, nor was I told that there were two witnesses against me. (You can't be DF'd on the testimony of just 1 witness, right? ) It seems that if they can't nail you with one of the more common grounds for DF'ing (immorality, apostasy) that they can always fall back on the charge of 'lying'.

    Also, I probably didn't look "sorry" enough to convince the elders of a "repentant spirit". It seemed that two of the three elders were in a hurry to get through the committee meeting and reach the decision to DF me.

    As far as being a "victim", the committee meeting was just the last straw. I'd say that the decades spent in service of a corrupt organization were more wasteful and harmful to me than the meeting when I was told that my services were no longer needed!

  • Vic-ex

    such personal questions where asked in my judicial too. i really think they 'got off' on the intimate details. I was so scared. i actually answered them

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