Obession / Hilterism

by skyking 4 Replies latest social current

  • skyking

    I watched last night on TV an article about a new movie documenting radical Islam. It scared the HELL of of me. the movie is called "Obsession the Movie" look at the pictures below and then click on a short clip from the movie please. I might have to change my mind about this religion if this true and our place as an Westerner http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/trailer.htm



  • skyking

    I hope everyone will buy the movie and watch it here is a link to buy the movie http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/preorder.html I hope I have not broken any posting guidelines with posting the link in which you can get the movie. The show last night made my stomach turn up side down and freaked out hearing all the Muslin clones call for the death of every Westerner and then the rest of the world. We the rest of the world are cows according to their Holly man they can kidnap and sell or kill you, They do nothing in wrong in Gods eyes if they do these things to non Muslims. Over and over you heard ALLA has promised it has to happen.

  • hambeak

    I will go out on a limb here. I believe these people to be dangerous fanatics and soon I believe there will be a lot of chaos and some countries will eventually ban their religion and forbid entrance to their countries.

  • jimbo

    You did not go out on that limb very far. If you watched the Fox station last night you would see what skykng is trying to say. This is very scary and it is too late to turn back on the coarse the world is on. Much more dangerous than Hilter ever thought of. That little girl in skyking link made me feel like throwing up.

  • Forscher

    I watched the show on Fox news saturday night.

    The movie certainly should be thought provoking if those clips from it are any indication. I am considering purchasing it myself.


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