by Mary 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cellist

    That's awful, Mary! I hope she gets better quickly.


  • LittleToe

    They say God works in mysterious ways. Maybe he just likes to get his ducks in a row before sending off a thuderbolt. Like causing a lassy to avoid getting drunk, while simultaneouly ensuring that their parent gets required medical attention, and something else that they wont find out about for months, by which time he can give a wry grin at the funny look on their faces...

  • Balsam

    In the book of RUTH, Naomi felt God had turned against her because her husband had died then her two sons died. Leaving her with no one to support or care for her. Whether it was true or not God never says a word. But clearly as a follower of Judaism Naomi believed that when things went haywire it was God punishing people. This is a common idea among religious people. And biblical stories like the one in the bible book of RUTH reinforces it if people don't think and reason on the stories.


  • Mary
    LT said: They say God works in mysterious ways. Maybe he just likes to get his ducks in a row before sending off a thuderbolt. Like causing a lassy to avoid getting drunk, while simultaneouly ensuring that their parent gets required medical attention, and something else that they wont find out about for months, by which time he can give a wry grin at the funny look on their faces...

    It's funny you said that, cause I thought about that afterwards. We actually found out yesterday that because she had no symptoms of a bladder infection, it was able to spread to her kidneys basically undetected and had actually become quite a severe infection. Had I not insisted on taking her to the clinic on Friday, she could have died of kidney failure without getting the antibiotics into her system. I stayed with her this morning while my father went to get his blood work done and she seems a bit better, which we're all happy about. I ended up calling one of my 'apostate' friends to come and sit with my mom for a while today as no one from the Kingdumb Hell was available when my father called them (big surprise there eh?).

    Fortunately, my parents are not ones to judge anyone and they do not treat me or any of my ex-Dub friends any differently than we we all still went to the meetings.

  • confusedjw

    I hope you and your mom get/feel better soon!

    Sounds like your parents haven't fully drunk the koolaid if they don't judge you and others who have "left jehovah".

  • LittleToe

    I'm pleased to hear that she's getting the appropriate care and attention

    How are you feeling today?

  • Mary
    confusedjw said: Sounds like your parents haven't fully drunk the koolaid if they don't judge you and others who have "left jehovah".

    Nope they haven't, thank god. Good example is how they treat Delilah. She and I have been close friends since childhood (I would love to post an absolutely hideous picture of her, me and my sister from the early 1970s, but I don't dare). She can walk down the street here and be totally ignored by the pompous, self-righteous morons that go to the Hall (even though she's not DF'd or anything). My parents treat her the same as they always have. Hell, they even speak to her hubby who IS DF'd for smoking. A few years ago, I got my dad to spend $2.00 a week on lottery tickets. He said to me "...This isn't gambling. This is a supplement to the pension I was never going to need.." Last year, I sold over 500 chocolate spoons (Irish Cream and Grand Marnier flavoring) at Christmas time for people at work who seem to like them as stocking stuffers. Not only did my parents know about it, they helped me wrap the spoons.

    LittleToe asked: How are you feeling today?

    I'm okay I guess. Trying to put on a brave front here when I really feel like crying, but I guess there's people who are in a lot worse circumstances than me, so I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself.......thanks for asking.

  • anewme

    We are all sorry you are going through these troubles Mary. Anewme

  • FreedomFrog

    I'm okay I guess. Trying to put on a brave front here when I really feel like crying, but I guess there's people who are in a lot worse circumstances than me, so I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself.......thanks for asking.

    You're not "feeling sorry for yourself" hun. You're having it tough. Yes, there are other people out there that have it worse but other people are having it worse than those people. It doesn't change the feelings inside for your circumstances. You're in your body and it can suck sometimes going through some stuff. It's good to rant sometimes. It's healing.

    I'm sending you a big hug from one person fighting through sh*t to another.


  • Mary

    Thanks Froggy.

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