Sheesh, you buy one gram of Crystal Meth...

by SixofNine 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving
    It is quite clear that Ted Haggard is a man with admirable devotion to the Christian/GOP cause. After all, it must take enormous willpower for a meth-crazed sodomite to remove a penis from his mouth long enough to denounce homosexuality.

    Thats the funniest thing I've read in ages!


  • hillary_step

    There are certain people whose ignorance and hypocrisy is unforgiveable - here is another one :

    Perhaps some parts of Texas should have a turn-stile and a freak-tent warning.


  • SPAZnik

    hahaha, I love this thread.

  • MegaDude

    That's a shame that some Texas hillbillly family would protest Bradbury's excellent book "Fahrenheit 451" because it mentions burning the Bible in it. The whole theme of the book is about a controlled society with no freedom to read what they wish and the dangers thereof. Using that same argument I could argue to ban the Bible because there is murder, rape and incest in it. Glad there are a lot of students at that school who are protesting to keep that book on the required reading list.

    I could argue to ban the Bible because there is murder, rape and incest in it.

    and don't forget cooking your food with human dung. Of course Ezekeil was disgusted and actually used cattle dung.


  • heathen

    These religionists are like con men , they would husstle your grandmother out of her shoes is give half a chance . That's why I enjoy watching them fall flat on their face like this .Glad I never gave that freak any money as you know every sunday he be up there begging for it . Just like old jim baker and others that are defrauding people everyday , I actually tune in every once and awhile to hear their nonsense on how God wants you to give them your money .It is completely insane the crap these people come up with .

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