Dubville, USA

by parakeet 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Many of the JWs in my old cong (about 40%) lived in a trailer court, which was in turn owned by a JW. They seemed to enjoy living together in their little "Dubville," surrounded by other JWs. Even when I was still a JW, the thought of living there made me recoil. It seemed unhealthy in some undefinable way.

    I wonder if this pattern is common among JWs in the U.S. and elsewhere, and if so, what the reasons for it might be?????

  • mouthy

    Birds of a feather stick to gether

  • mama1119

    There is this huge, well known JW family (all dudes are elders, chics are pioneers) that bought this chunk of land behind the KH and they all moved on to it. Its like a compound out there. There is another family that all bought houses, I think 5 or 6 right next to each other in a development.

  • BizzyBee

    We lived in a mobile home - nah, it was a trailer - for part of my growing up years. My aunt and uncle (PO) and cousin were in the in the same park, and my grandparents.

    I don't know about others, but there was kind of a 'circle the wagons' mentality at work in my family. My aunt - who was the 'brains' of the outfit, liked the idea of everybody banding together against the forces of the world and impending Armageddon.

    She just died at 87, in a comfortable bed with excellent care provided by a charitable organization that she would have felt it was 'wrong' to donate a dime to.

  • parakeet

    BizzyBee: "My aunt .... liked the idea of everybody banding together against the forces of the world and impending Armageddon."

    I was wondering if that was the impulse behind it. It lends some credence to the notion that JWs fit the cult descriptor of social isolation.

  • DannyHaszard
    liked the idea of everybody banding together against the forces of the world and impending Armageddon.

    Born 3rd gen JW 1957 been there,see that,done that,more so in the workplace supermarkets,fast food joints,construction cleaning companies even i my own case i was the company welder (worldly company,me only JW) and sought that skill for that position so that i could be a solitary lone wolf and be alone and not subjected to worldly influences when i was welding with my helment down.

    It's truly amazing how much the f**king cult totally controlled every aspect of my life.-Danny Haszard

  • Dismembered

    Greetings parakeet,

    One time my wife was out in service in one of the most dreadful trailer parks up here. She walks up to this one tuna fish can, (trailer) and it's padlocked from the outside. Like a good little dub (who's not to leave any stone unturned,) she decided to knock anyway. To her dismay, here comes a voice from inside, yelling "Hey let me out of here". She ran back to the car faster than a gazelle being chase by a cheetah. Many, not all, the Trailer Park up here are filled with indigence and every sort of creep imaginable.


  • XU

    Dismembered, did your wife think to call the police or something? That's scary. We had a couple "cult"-a-sacs of duplexes (affordable) with all dub tenants. I think it's part fantasy fulfillment of future paradise when the only reality will be dub neighbors. aaaaah- the humanity! too bad one of the MS dads was a total perv who walked around in boxers with his wee willy poking out around dub-cubs. i always thought it was creepy in those places. somewhere deep inside i think i didn't want the worldly people to disappear because the dubs are so dangerous to kids.

  • moshe

    I was a landlord once and I owned a trailer court in Florida. I had one Jw family that got on disability- slooow rent payers and another that moved in from my old cong up north- almost zero rent payers , it turned out. He could just never find the right kind of job. I learned quick not to rent to any dubs , they will take advantage of you. It's kind of hard to get rent from them, when they have been told that after Armageddon, they can live rent free. --hey brother, I'll make up the back rent after Armageddon, trust me for it!

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Watch much news?
    Here in Texas... we frown on that sort of "compound living" thing!

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