I took for the first time my kids tricker-treating !!!

by Lapuce 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin4now

    We gave out candy for the first time ever! All years past we would either go out and stay out until late after trick or treat was over or

    turn out the lights and hide not answering the door (hated that). We are still (technically) active JW but on the way out and I don't want to

    avoid something as innocent as giving out candy. It's a small thing but after a lifetime in the org. it felt like a big step to me.

  • sunshineToo

    We had the first Halloween outing as well. We went to a local mall with friends. I didn't know trick-or-treating could be so tiring. Maybe I'm getting old. We didn't even go through half the stores, and we went out for dinner. But it was great. We had fun, and my son had free candies and other goodies. Not to mention a little precious memory as well.

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