It's National JW Bowling Night!

by Nosferatu 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    So, how many of you are going to hit up the Bowling Alleys with your Apostate literature after you finish trick or treating?

  • lovelylil

    OMG I so remember Halloween bowling! We should all hang out at the local bowling halls tonight and see if we are given a fine witness don't you think? Lilly

  • james_woods

    Like George W., I have 3 lanes in my basement, so I don't need to go out. But go ahead and come by, so long as you are not costumed as a clown.

    I am scared of clowns.

    (WTF are we talking about???)

  • noni1974

    Tonights my bowling leage night! LOL!!!

  • lovelylil


    for real? I think clowns are scary too and so does my daugter. Ever since I was a little kid, seeing them with those wierd painted faces was spooky.

    We are talking about how the Jdubs all go bowling on Halloween so that they are not home just in case any demunz ring their doorbell.

  • daystar

    I suppose I was blissfully unaware of this tradition amongst JWs. We just hid out at home.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Hell, worse than that... When we were kids we had to answer the door and announce, "We don't celebrate!" You have no idea how that feels to a child of 9 years old to answer the door and face all those peers and say that. After a couple of years of that, we just didn't answer. It didn't convert anyone, it just pissed them off.



  • Jim_TX


    Sheesh! When I was growing up, we would just turn off all the lights and hide in the dark. If any brave kiddos walked up the dark walk and knocked on the door, we just cowered inside waiting for them to leave.

    *shakes head*

    Unless... it was 'bookstudy' night - which was usually on Tuesday nights (like tonight). In that case, we'd go to the bookstudy, and someone would have to answer the door a bazillion times and tell the kiddos ... well... it was something like 'No - we don't celebrate Halloween' - or something like that.


    Jim TX

  • james_woods

    Lil -


    for real? I think clowns are scary too and so does my daugter. Ever since I was a little kid, seeing them with those wierd painted faces was spooky.


    For real. I gagged up the whole disgusting story under the other thread "what kind of christian parent lets kids do halloween".

  • carla

    Really? Are you kidding? If they are not cowering in the basement on Halloween they go bowling?

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