Is it a safe bet ALL religion is men claiming to have secret information?

by The Dragon 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Is this basically the the way the game is being played?

    A man steps up and claims to have been given secret information from God..concerning His thoughts and wishes for us? The man is then an authority over his less endowed brethern.

    Or are they claiming to be able to read God's mind? Funny how they can figure Him out...but not figure out why people do some of the bad things they do. And these people are alive and present and can be questioned, and reveal their "truth" behind the reasons why they do what they do.

    Am I missing something somewhere that makes this make any sense?

  • sf

    Well, what's the ante? I'll place my bet at ten billion. I strongly think it's a safe bet.


  • sf

    I can't resist:

    "god ALWAYS uses imperfect humans to do his work" {So, is it any wonder?}

    I read this in another thread today and think it goes well in this thread.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Can a perfect being effectivily communicate with imperfect ones?

    It would be like a person thinking long-term explaining their actions to someone only looking at short-term.

    Can God speak redneck, ghetto, politically correct, gangsta, smart ass, and translate information to each of these where they can fully understand?

    Does He need a huge organization to defeat His opposers and critics? Or a little mustard seed?

    What would demonstrate the strength of His power the best?

  • Carmel

    GOD sends Prophets for the education of the people and the progress of mankind. Each such Manifestation of God has raised humanity. They serve the whole world by the bounty of God. The sure proof that they are the Manifestations of God is in the education and progress of the people. The Jews were in the lowest condition of ignorance, and captives under Pharaoh when Moses appeared and raised them to a high state of civilization. Thus was the reign of Solomon brought about and science and art were made known to mankind. Even Greek philosophers became students of Solomon's teaching. Thus was Moses proved to be a Prophet.

    After the lapse of time the Israelites deteriorated, and became subject to the Romans and the Greeks. Then the brilliant Star of Jesus rose from the horizon upon the Israelites, brightening the world, until all sects and creeds and nations were taught the beauty of unity. There cannot be any better proof than this that Jesus was the Word of God.

    So it was with the Arabian nations who, being uncivilized, were oppressed by the Persian and Greek governments. When the Light of Muhammad shone forth all Arabia was brightened. These oppressed and degraded peoples became enlightened and cultured; so much so, indeed, that other nations imbibed Arabian civilization from Arabia. This was the proof of Muhammad's divine mission.

    All the teaching of the Prophets is one; one faith; one Divine light shining throughout the world. Now, under the banner of the oneness of humanity all people of all creeds should turn away from prejudice and become friends and believers in all the Prophets. As Christians believe in Moses, so the Jews should believe in Jesus. As the Muhammadans believe in Christ and Moses, so likewise the Jews and the Christians should believe in Muhammad. Then all disputes would disappear, all then would be united. Bahá'u'lláh came for this purpose. He has made the three religions one. He has uplifted the standard of the oneness of faith and the honour of humanity in the centre of the world. Today we must gather round it, and try with heart and soul to bring about the union of mankind.

    (Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 42)

  • Elsewhere

    I have a secret too. If you want to know it, all you have to do is believe everything I tell you, devote your life to me and give me your money.

    I'm also selling Apokolips Insurance. This insurance will ensure that no harm will come to you in the event the Apocalypse occurs. The price is a modest 10% of your gross income.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    it just blows me people latch on to others guesses and call them answers if it is what they want to hear or agree with.

    Why even bother asking the question to begin with? Or is it a way to see how many are backing them and also holding their guess as an answer?

    Someone want to clue me in here?

  • esw1966

    I believe that that is the way all cults are opperated not all religion.

    I believe there is truth in worship and that there is a God who cares, but there are men who want to be the mediator of such a relationship.

    When men become mediators, people become misled and abused.

    True religion brings you into a relationship with God and fills you with Joy and Love. I think when you find that and accept it your life is much better and the blessings are immense.

  • LongHairGal


    I think you are basically right. But in addition to "secret" information they have something else. Something "holy" or "sacred".

    Now the JWs might not have saints, relics and miracles that christendom has. But they do have their "anointed" and their "governing body". This is their pipeline to the mystic or divine that a religion has to have or else it is just another club.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon


    Now how do you tell if they are for real or not?

    If they were could they ever be stumped on a question? Or run from one?

    If the demand for answers overcomes their "secret information" can they be unable to keep up if they were for real?

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