We went to church for the first time...

by megsmomma 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pubsinger

    The music at the KH used to move me to tears.

  • LittleToe

    My experiences have been similarly pleasant. I've only really been to a couple of services where I felt like walking out and that was usually due to the arrogance of a preacher (one classic example being when I visited Princess and SteveEgner in Seattle).

    Like Blonde, I'm not all that bothered about read prayers (though some are nice if read from the heart) or the congregation reciting stuff. The only times I've experienced that has been in Lutheran or Episcopalian churches, however, and they aren't my usual first port of call. Some folks enjoy that, though, so to each their own

    LOL @ Pubsinger

  • FlyingHighNow

    I am an Episcopalian. I can understand why people might not get the most from reciting prayers, especially if they only attend once or twice. Some of the prayers are very beautiful and moving though. And you can see the love, intelligence and kindness of God in them.

    I especially like it when the organist/music director in our church sings the Psalms and we respond, also singing. Our services are so spiritual and lovely. We have a very gifted music director who gives St. Mark's a beautiful gift each Sunday in the music, arrangements and classical music he puts into the service. Our choir sounds like angels.

    Sometimes Carl brings in violinists, trumpeters, cellists, pianists and soloist from the University where he is a professor of music. We have a huge pipe organ that is amazing. It was built by a father and son from England. This Sunday we will celebrate All Saint's Day and there will be a baptism. We will have two violinists and I hear the service will be extraordinary. My youngest grandson will be baptized that day.

    One week we arrived at Church to hear a trumpeter playing the fanfare that is the theme song for Masterpiece theater. Not too shabby.

  • Honesty
    The people were dressed in a variety of apparel....from dress pants, to suits, to jeans, skirts,slacks, dresses....and you didn't think if you saw a man in jeans..."Oh he must be a study"

    I knew God had sent me to the right place when I saw women wearing pantsuits, men in casual attire and genuine smiles on people's faces. When I am assigned to one usher at of our sanctuary doors I wear a jacket and tie on Sunday morning but jeans and a shirt Sunday night. No one cares what others wear because it's not about appaerances like the JW cult.

    I hear Jehovah almost as much in church (baptist) as I did at the kingdumb hall except it is not bandied around like a badge.


    I am glad your experience was positive. It reminded me of my first time in a church.

    It was in a gym that was being rented. It was a Pentecostal church, and I guess I looked startled, so another guy about my age walked up and asked if this ws my first time in their church. I said that it was, indeed, the first time I had been in any church. He then explained what was going on. They were having corporate prayer before the service, and they were praying. I don't mean boring monotonous prayer, but heatfelt and moving prayers. THe worship was extrodinary! People lifting their hands, and worshipping God. The music was provided by a band, no pre-recorded music. The pastor's message was focused, and everyone had their Bibles. It was nothing like I was told it would be by the WT.

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