SAW III - A review of the movie

by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Elsewhere

    Unfortunately I can only review the first 5 or 10 minutes of the show as a result of the fact that I got seriously nauseous twice in that time period resulting in my having to walk out.

    Simply put, that show is seriously fcked up! *** passes out ***

    I've never been a big fan of Horror movies because the plot lines and acting have traditionally been of extraordinary poor quality. The main characters always make some seriously stupid decision and end up being killed by... whatever. Not so in the SAW series. I was able to sit through SAW I and II, but the first ten minutes of SAW III were so intense that I had to get up and leave. That was the first time I have ever walked out of a movie for being too good and believable.

    As a runner, I had a real hard time watching the first scene because it involved a man, not cutting off his foot off as in the first SAW movie, this time a guy had to use a heavy chunk of steel to, repeatedly, crush his own lower leg and foot in order to get a leg iron off so he could get away and live. *** passes out again ***

    The second scene is the one that did it for me, forcing me to leave. A guy wakes up in a room with at least 6 chains connected to large ring piercings throughout his body . The rings were through his hands (the center of his hands), back, feet (looped behind the akilies tendon) and through his jaw (imagine a large nose ring that goes behind the lower front teeth and out of the mouth). The man is left with a bomb ticking down from 1 minute and 30 seconds. In order to live he has to rip all of the "piercings" out. Lets just say he started, but didn't quite finish.

  • morty

    I am not a big fan of Horror movies but, my oldest son saw this movie last night. He said it was one of the grossest he has ever seen...My youngest boy (15) thinks he wants to see it but, I suppose he will have to wait till it comes out on dvd ....

    Personally myself, I am not too sure if this will be a flick that I sit to watch with the family but, I am sure hubby will want to see all the gore and guts...

  • damselfly

    I dub thee wussy boy. :-)

    I was dragged to see this last night. My friend had her vest over her face the entire time while spent all the gory bits with my eyes squeezed shut whispering 'Tell me when its over" The men there loved it and simply laughed at us.

    Then on my way home a ,man was following me up the hill and all I could think was "I don't want to play a game"


  • Chameleon

    That's nasty. Have you seen Cannibal Holocaust?

  • liquidsky


    Did you see Saw I and Saw II? I can't wait to see the third!

  • Elsewhere
    I dub thee wussy boy. :-)

    I shall wear my wussy crown with pride and dignity.

  • Qcmbr

    Why does anyone want to see that??? Even that brief description had my stomach turned and I wonder why anyone would pay to be shown humans being mutilated (and the mutilation being the point.) Is it the sign of a sick society to find pleasure in watching the simulated agony of another.

  • yaddayadda

    Was the biggest load of nauseating debased garbage I've ever seen. I've had it with these kinds of movies. It's only a matter of time before snuff movies become legal.

  • doogie
    Why does anyone want to see that??? Even that brief description had my stomach turned and I wonder why anyone would pay to be shown humans being mutilated (and the mutilation being the point.) Is it the sign of a sick society to find pleasure in watching the simulated agony of another.

    Hey Q, it's been awhile, man. i hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods. ok, first of all, IT'S NOT REAL!!! i see horror movies constantly but do you think i have any desire to watch a snuff film? heeeyah, no!!! that's disgusting!! (i'm not being facetious. the thought of actual pain/torture/murder makes my stomach turn, but at a horror movie, i'm the guy behind you laughing...). i appreciate horror movies for what they are...entertainment. not a gateway drug. does this mean that i'm a violent/dark person? dunno. i'd be surprised if there's a higher incidence of murderers among those who watch horror movies (since Saw 3 and its ilk ALWAYS open at number 1 at the box office, i don't know that you could really do a study.). all i can say is that i'm attracted to darker stuff. music, movies, reading material...whatever. it intrigues and entertains me. why do you like the music you do? i think there was another thread a couple days ago about this same issue. personally, i love horror movies. i think the thing for me is that the mark of great art (hmm...i doubt that term will fly in here, but oh well...) is its ability to affect me. if i'm thinking about something after i walk away from it, it worked (that's what producers of any genre of media are after, right?). ok, so there's that. as far as the simulated agony and all that goes, i think its just far easier to affect people through their fears than through their loves or happinesses. so that's why they keep cranking these flicks out. it's not necessarily because society is so awful, but because the movie houses are lazy. :) (then again, i think you see more real agony any night of the week on the news. i think we're quick to blame the entertainment media when the real purveyors of honest to god agony are the politicians...) oh, and thanks for the (abbreviated) review, Elsewhere. i can't wait to check it out!!

  • free2beme

    Maybe I am just weird, but sometimes I like movies that are horror movies from time to time. I would not take my child too it, but I am an adult and I know it is not real. I have a harder time with war movies, that are realistic and well done. As they make me nervous and ill. As you sit in the mind of the soldier. Examples; Saving Private Ryan - First 20 Minutes.

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