When religion becomes evil.

by StillGroggy 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StillGroggy

    I found an Interesting book today. i'll probably buy and read it in the next few weeks. It points to 5 signs that a religion is evil. Any look familiar???

    The Five Warning Signs of Corruption in Religion

    1. Absolute Truth Claims
    2. Blind Obedience
    3. Establishing the "Ideal" Time
    4. The End Justifies Any Means
    5. Declaring Holy War

    More on the book... http://btobsearch.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?ean=9780060556105&z=y&btob=Y

  • Smiles

    #5 Declaring Holy War

    *** w50 6/15 p. 184 par. 26 A Victory Dedicated to Jehovah’s Honor ***

    The anointed remnant have been pressing on in the battle of truth against lies for many years now, but, though aging and nearing exhaustion, they do not give in to weariness of the flesh but keep up the chase of the enemy, “faint, yet pursuing them.” Frequently they could use such assistance as that symbolized by “bread” or “a cup of cold water”. Those who refuse to assist Christ’s brethren are adversely judged by the King, who says to them: “I was hungry, and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink . . . Go away into eternal punishment.” (Matt. 25:42, 46; 10:42, Am. Stan. Ver.) Such ones were prefigured by the men of Succoth and Penuel, and will suffer a like fate.

    *** w50 6/15 p. 184 par. 27 A Victory Dedicated to Jehovah’s Honor ***

    How like the “goat” and “evil servant” classes of today, who refuse aid to the anointed remnant, unable to see that behind these brethren of the Lord are Christ and Jehovah, and are still fearful of the world leaders, consorting with them and viewing them as the “higher powers”! Such goatish ones think that this world organization under Satan is all right, think that it will continue on as the controlling power, and they cast their lot with it. Hence in both type and antitype it is seen that the rout and running battle divided the peoples, some coming out and joining in the fight against satanic oppressors, others siding with the doomed invaders of Jehovah’s field of worship.—Matt. 25:31, 32.

    The holy war against evil invaders? Fighting the invisible demonic enemy and those doomed apostates!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    What religion dosn't have some of those???

  • BizzyBee
    What religion dosn't have some of those???

    Oh, my. Millions of Buddhists and Taoists would not agree. To qualify as a religion, it is only necessary to subscribe to a system of communally shared beliefs and rituals that are oriented toward a sacred, supernatural realm. We tend to focus on those that are at the forefront of controversy and politics because of their extremism. While the two largest world religions, Christianity and Islam, were spead largely through conquest, that leaves many, many belief systems that are peaceful and peace-loving.

  • LongHairGal

    I have this book also. I didn't read it from cover to cover but I did read several chapters.

    I was particularly struck by a section which talked about when an institution (religion) tries to protect its reputation by covering things up. (Doesn't this sound familiar?) I think this came under the category of the End justifying the Means.

    It seems that all or most religions end up like this. Just give them time, maybe half a century or more and PRESTO you have corruption. It never fails!


  • Ade

    All religion has evil elements,
    God never wanted men to have leaders religious or otherwise,the bible also says "all brothers are equal" youd be hard struck to find a religion where this actually reigns true, even if they claim so, for if all were equal why should any one of them have a title, elder / priest etc.


  • Ade

    "h, my. Millions of Buddhists and Taoists would not agree.
    To qualify as a religion, it is only necessary to subscribe to a system of communally shared beliefs and rituals that are oriented toward a sacred, supernatural realm. We tend to focus on those that are at the forefront of controversy and politics because of their extremism. While the two largest world religions, Christianity and Islam, were spead largely through conquest, that leaves many, many belief systems that are peaceful and peace-loving."

    i really suggest you check the history of Shaolin monks,they are buddhists - peaceful i think not, after receiving the breathing arts from india they formed them into fighting arts by mimmicking animals / insects (a gift apparently given by their gods ) .These were not self defence kata/forms as many presume. Take a look at Hung Gar san sao ( first form of tiger fist ) sheer violence no self defence whatsoever, formed after the burning of the monastry when the group of three became what is modernly known as the Triads, they taught this as a quick form of pugilism simply to pummel the victim into submission.


  • BizzyBee


  • BizzyBee


    Interesting. You are showing that the tenets of a religion and the practices of adherents can be at odds. No question. Not sure that the Shaolin monks fulfill the 5 critieria suggested at the beginning of this thread. I don't know much about the martial arts, but I do know that there are elements that have nothing to do with 'fighting' but with focus and movement of energy as a spiritual practice.

  • Ade

    Thats quite true bizzy bee,
    when we think about it in depth it shows that the buddhists had not faith in their god/s otherwise there would have been no necessity to form gangs of "triads" to knock the stuffing out of people for material gain.

    All the very best

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