Latest JW Tract

by Icansaylucky 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Icansaylucky

    I posted this on Personal Experience, but thought I should share it here as well: I came home to find the latest JW tract on my door. It was titled "The End Of False Religion Is Near" what a catchy title, never heard that one before. I started breezing through it and came across a subtitle Called "False Religion... Tolerates Immoral Sex" They actually have the nerve to say, and this is an exact quote " Even churches that condemn immoralality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children" I can't see how they would have the nerve to bring this to people when the word is out what they tolerate and who they protect. I bet they're thrilled when no one answers the door and they can leave the tract and run. I also bet they miss the good old days when all they had to do is defend their stand on Christmas and Birthdays.

  • garybuss

    They're idiots. This tract proves it.

  • rocky220

    "The End Of False Religion is Near"................W.T.B.S. included!!!!!!

    Rocky220 [from the not falling for the B.S. class]

  • rebel8
    " Even churches that condemn immoralality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children"

    Equating pedophilia with "immorality" (especially their super fundie definition of immorality) is SICK. It invalidates the victims' experience.

  • Icansaylucky

    Rebel, that is so true. To even put molestation in the same catagory as two hormoned filled teenagers that let things go too far tells so much about them. It shows what little value they put on the defenseless victims of child molestations.

  • LanDi

    Well, I had to laugh myself! I was actually a the KH last night, and one of the elders was giving a talk on making larger donations to the KH for refurbishment and the World Wide Work( or Peadophile protoction fund to those in the know) and I sat opposite him, in the back (one of only two people in there) constantly shaking my head (didn't put him off though) I went into the library to read up on the WT stance on rape ( a woman MUST scream - ridiculous as it is usually extremely dangerous to do so) what a surprise - the volumes I needed were strangely missing form the library. The plot thickens. I will go to another KH next week and look there - then we will see

    A relative showed the tractme a couple of weeks ago, the 'working girl' riding the back of the wild beast and being turned on, hang on, there's something they're not telling us! But, as far as Deutronomy goes, we are no longer under the Israelie Mosaic law !!!!!! Peadophiles cannot change their behaviour it's a set fact, agreed on by all decent prominent experts. " You must not bring a dog into Jehovahs house" (somewhere in the front!)

    I was talking to a JW the other day and stood telling him the truth about his 'mother' organization and he stood laughing at me (closed mind - if someone showed me what I believed was wrong I would lap it up!!!) I said to him give me your address and I will send you the proof " I don't want it " came the reply.

    Kind of says it all doen't it???????

    But, are we looking at this as a chance to isgnore the vital message??? How open minded do we have to be.

    " If it looks like a duck, sounds lika a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck" Michael Biehn quoted in WT literature quite recently

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