the one that the handwriting looked familiar is not him
Finding My Father (help)
by purplesofa 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Purps, I just read your post. What I did a few years ago in trying to find my dad, was I wrote to old age pension. I asked them if they could contact him and forward my address to him and they did. Does your dad get any kind of pension through the government? If so, this may be a way to contact him. Or maybe write a letter to the company, in confidence of course, asking if they would be of any help. Just a thought purps, good luck in trying to find him. I wish you the best.
One of the docs I work for does this kind of stuff as a hobby. I gave him all the information I have on my Father and he is going to see what he can come up with.
He said there is a possibility I would have to hire a private investigator as some of the sites he would use are the ones you all recommended. But he does have other ways..........I guess it depends on if he is alive or not.
Just wanted to give you all an update.
AK - Jeff
my heart is thumping.
Mine too. I wish you godspeed in this effort. How many years since you have seen him?
How many years since you have seen him?
The last time I saw him was just over a weekend when I was 11. Before that I was problaby six I am guessing or really five. I don't have alot of memories of my Dad, but he kept my mother from beating the living hell out of me on occassions and I don't ever recall him laying a hand on me, while my mother was abusive.
My mother raised me, and I am sure she feels like she protected me from he was abusive to her.....but its just not right to deny a child a parent
Has he ever tried to contact you?
Has he ever tried to contact you?
Yes, as a young adult after I was married. I did not know he tried until many many years later. What I was told is, he contacted my mother and told her he was dying and wanted to leave us kids something.......and I assume have contact with us.
My mom was remarried at the time. and said if the kids get anything it will come from XXXX and myself. She would not tell my father where we were so we did not get to see him. I was an adult, I clearly should have been able to make that decision myself.
I feel for you Purps! Thanks for the update. That was really out of line for your mother not to pass on your Dad's information. Even though she may have thought she was "protecting" you from him, you are right. You are an adult now and had the right to see him.
If he truly was dying - I know that you can get a copy of the person's Death Certificate when you show your relationship to them by bringing in your Birth Certificate. At least this is so in Wisconsin. They charge you for it here. I did that with my Dad.
I wish you some sort of closure.
You have a much better father than I do. Call the numbers, go to the addresses, hire the P.I. Do what ever you need to. You need to go for broke IMO. Please.
I know that you can get a copy of the person's Death Certificate when you show your relationship to them by bringing in your Birth Certificate.
Thanks for that info............I did not know that. At the SS office?