do you particularly like, is it Tudor history, ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Medieval or something else? I like the history of the second world war and I am trying to understand why a cultured and educated nation like the Germans got swept away by the appeal of the beastly Nazis.
Which part of history...
by greendawn 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The Reformation
Greendawn I love history in general but like you am also fascinated by the Nazis. You're right in that what makes it particularly interesting is that it was grown and delivered by the most cultured and sophisticated of European countries. I've just recently read two good books on the subject - Masters of Death by Richard Rhodes and Black Edelweiss by Johann Voss. The former is horrifying.
The plight of the American Indians. They are still given s*** land that no one else wants.
I too love history I like to read about how people in Germany as others have said got swept up by Nazis, also about Native Americans as well. Back in 2001 I traveled to North and South Dakota, I visited the Rosebud indian reservation, I was appalled at the abject poverty of these people.
Yes hambeak. Aren't most Indian reservations pathetic? The poverty is awful. I'm fascinated by their cultures and the use of the land and respect for animals in most cases. Of course there are those that are not good people and harm their own, but on the whole they are very loving. Their special crafts and workmanship are beautiful!!
You bet Juni I have frequently gone to pow wows in OK one of the best ones was in Norman OK. at that one one of the tribal elders gave me a sage blessing. I felt truly honored. I was invited to participate in the duck dance and I truly had a great time. I also learned to donate food for their food banks as many are very very poor. you would be surprised how far a couple hundred pound of rice and beans will go to help just a little bit.
You're a good man hambeak! Yes their dances are fun to participate in and to watch.
When the kids were small we introduced the Indian culture to them. Our second son was just in aw of the feathers and head dresses. He was naturally brown so he was always dressing in a loin cloth and bare chest and doing his dances!!
Sad emo
Hi Greendawn
I'm fascinated by all history but mainly the history of people groups - Roma, Aborigines, native Americans, Jews etc (I'm sure there's a different word for 'people history'! Maybe someone can tell me). Also Irish history because I'm pretty sure we only get one side of the story in Britain.
I'd like to learn more about Jewish history (post Bible era!) - like why they got blamed for everything and all the other stuff that happened to them including the Holocaust. I've visited Yad Vashem museum in Israel - it was, well, indescribable the mixture of feelings and emotions which it raised.
I studied medical history and found it facinating, Edward Jenner, Louis Pastuer oh and of course the unforgettable Lady Mary Wortley Montegue!