In new tract they don't mention the harlot is riding on the back of the UN

by awol 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586
    According to history, it was when World War I broke out in September of 1939 in spite of the existence of the League of Nations, which had been organized after World War I in order to preserve peace and make the world secure against, at least, another world war.

    'Scuse me all. I am terrible with history and I could never make the mental leaps required to absorb and understand the mental gymnastics involved in the WT's interpretation of the scarlet colored beast. Please correct me if I am wrong (be kind) but didn't World War I break out in 1914--or am I as confused as ever from reading Watchtower publications? Thanks for your indulgence.

    Hah, this is awesome! I'm looking at the 2005 CD, and yes, they have not fixed this glaring error! I guess this is what happens when "70 pairs of eyes to scan every article" phone it in, eh?

  • willyloman
    I'm looking at the 2005 CD, and yes, they have not fixed this glaring error!

    Sir: They haven't got time to correct information tied to REAL dates; they're too busy making up their own dates for imaginary events! You can bet the phrase "We never said the end would come in 1975" won't have a typo in it.

  • blondie

    wild beast = 7 heads, 10 horns, represents the 7 world powers the WTS says has had interaction with Israel

    scarlet-colored image of the wild beast = League of Nations, then UN

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Blondie, she keep facts simple, tell true WT position. Image is UN. Wild Beast is World political system. Mark of beast is ipod.


  • awol

    Thanx all..... didn't understand it when in let alone now!! haha

    Thanx LADY LIBERTY - printer bust and mum has NO computer!!!! So making notes by hand.

    Mum is fine. She hasn't been going for a long time, dad sits on the fence! think his pride won't allow him to admit they are wrong. He said to my mum the other day that "they are the closest to the truth anyway!" what the f..k does that mean!! See, hedging his bets. He is NOT a stupid man, and I told my mum I think he has found out a lot but doesn't want to admit it. He brought us up in the "truth" and was VERY strict. This went on for 25yrs.... 2 disfellowshipped kids, one fallen away, another unbaptised and not interested, and only ONE kid in the org. She's in it as can't get out. (see first post I did - if interested). Anyway. Mum, doesn't want it anymore.... in fact she is talking about getting df'd she is sooooo disgusted with it all. BUT then she won't see my sister and her four kids!!! Already they are only allowed to see her as she is only fallen away (done nothing wrong), they don't have anything to do with the rest of us apart from the unbaptised sister, her boyfriend and her son! (the hypocracy of it all.... sister number 3 is only living the same life as me.... apart from I WAS baptised and she was not!!!????). Anyway, mum wants dates watchtower article refs to look up. We were looking over the tract and I pointed out about the wild beast ref. She said "you know, I didn't even notice that!!!" the fact that UN has been kind of "forgotton". I said, "why don't you ask dad about the reasons why?" She is worried he will get annoyed and tell her she has been looking at apostate stuff.... then I will get an ear bashing.... maybe cut off!!! I told her to keep it light, and just "discuss" some issues. If she can get some contradicting evidence of importance together she will confront and I think he will go away and do his own research.

    Thank you ALL I am sooo glad to of found you!!!! XXX

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