Friday the 13th and other superstitions

by greendawn 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Today happens to be Friday the 13th and many people consider this to be a bad omen. To you or any people you know subscribe to any superstitions? I know someone who says that if someone drops a spoon a friend will be coming over and if a man is lucky enough to drop a fork then a woman will be coming over soon. I don't believe any of this.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you drop the dime on a famliy member, the elders will show up at his home. If you don't, they will never go.

  • greendawn

    I wouldn't do that on a family member unless they did things that were grossly unfair on me. Otherwise it's none of my business.

  • dido

    On Fri 13th- I had an emergency caesarian with complications, (they had to cut me both ways) and survived fine, was a jw then so didn`t believe in superstition, and i don`t now, but it was quite scarey!

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