someday I'll be 60

by darth frosty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    This past sunday took a great ride on my motorcycle with some 'brother's' who ride. Now all thru this ride when we would stop and take breaks and what not, every chance one of them got they would say how great it is for 'brother's' to get together and enjoy 'wholesome association'. While admiring each other's bikes one made the comment how he was interested in a trike (3 wheel motorcycle.) when asked why he made the statment "I realize one day I'll be in my 60's."

    Is this not an odd line of reasoning for someone who believes the end of the world is right around the corner? I thought this was an apt example of the strange realty that most witnesses live in. While paying lip service to the greatness of 'wholesome association' and making sure not to intermingle to much with the world ( they took extra care not to chat and mix to much with others at our various stops.) Yet in still this guy was planing for a future some 20 years ahead.

    I think on a sub-conscious level most witnesses have some sense that the society is feeding them a line of bull. I believe that while they go thru the motions of being a good witness and towing the company line, some realize that essencially it is going to be buisness as usual. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

  • Mysterious

    Of course he'll be 60...but will he look a day over 25? *eyeroll at dub doctrine*

  • greendawn

    He probably saw too many dubs die after having expected the end to arrive and free them from death for many decades and realised that it's just a bait to draw people into the org.

  • IP_SEC

    fewer and fewer are believing the end is coming ever. Why else would you be out riding on sunday instead of in the ministry?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    good one Ip_sec. Most of these guys came straight from the hall and I believe a couple did skip.

  • undercover

    I was talking to a dub friend the other day and was asking him about his new career.

    A little background: He had a good career several years ago but quit and started working for a brother who did construction. After a few years he got tired of that, went and got some training in another new career and is starting over again in his 40s.

    He replied to my question by saying that he loved his new job/career and he wished he had done it years ago. I asked why he didn't he pursue it instead of construction a few years back. He said he would have if he had known this "system of things" was going to last this long.

    But yet, he's still just as a faithful a JW now as he ever was. The JW conditioning is too strong to allow him to ponder his situation and why it is what it is and realize that maybe, just maybe, there's a problem with the whole "end of the this system of things" teaching.

    By the way...back in my youth it was taboo for a JW to own a motorcycle. Not that it's written down anywhere but anytime a brother got a bike, he got counseled. The brothers who wanted to "please Jehovah", so to speak, ended up selling their bikes. A few others kept them but were passed over for "privileges". So, I should have known that I was on my way out years ago when I bought a motorcycle but didn't go around bragging about it to fellow dubs. When I went full time inactive, I took up the hobby more seriously and now own a couple of bikes and enjoy riding every chance I get. Riding on a Sunday morning, taking in the beautiful scenery and letting your problems melt away, at least for a few hours, is much more spiritual to me than sitting in a drab, windowless building reading a magazine.

  • mouthy

    By the way...back in my youth it was taboo for a JW to own a motorcycle.

    One year at PA there was a Brother from England ( EX JW) who gave his testimony about HIS love for motor bikes & how he would ride to the KH with a flashy bike & dressed in leather ,he made us laugh so much at how THAT went over. Thank God he is riding around on his motor bike flashy clothes for ALL to witness now

  • juni

    Or perhaps........your friend is thinking of that shiny trike he'll inherit after the Big A?!

    60 isn't old! That's what I keep telling myself! lol


  • slimboyfat

    I do repent the tedious minutes I with you have spent

  • mouthy

    Go spend them some where else then

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