Talking with my 8 yr old JW daughter

by megsmomma 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good girl, here's something to make you shudder. According to my JW hubby, things won't be all that different post-Armageddon. Apparently, meetings ARE a little bit of "paradise".

    YUCK. jgnat, no one tells the young children that this is the case.

  • megsmomma

    Thank you everyone....I hope someday I can tell her about you all on here :) You know...I will love her no matter what, so making sure she knows that is a priority. I will hopefully set a good example of what a true christian acts...not perfect, but loving and sincere. Now, we will have holiday decor at my aunts and I never thought of asking her if she minded....but I will, and even though we can't take it all down for her, it is a good oppertunity for some discussions on what she thinks.

    One funny story.....I was reading her the Bible and I read that Jesus gives life water free....and asked her if I told her she could have something free, then made her run around the house for it, would it be free? She said "no" then I asked her what the scrip meant to her....and she thought a sec and then said " means if I want a drink of water, I just get it out of the faucet...and it is free!!" I said...."Very good!" If thats what it means to her...I like it! LOL

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    One funny story.....I was reading her the Bible and I read that Jesus gives life water free....and asked her if I told her she could have something free, then made her run around the house for it, would it be free? She said "no" then I asked her what the scrip meant to her....and she thought a sec and then said " means if I want a drink of water, I just get it out of the faucet...and it is free!!" I said...."Very good!" If thats what it means to her...I like it! LOL

    I love this story, megsmomma. You got her thinking! Also you got me thinking - so thanks for that new thought on application of that scripture.


  • BabaYaga

    You are doing great... and as always, jgnat has a great resource to back you up...

    And SmilesSmile advice is priceless. That is what I told my precious neices and nephews years ago when they were both pioneering... I would love them and I would be there for them no matter what. Now, they know what that means.

    Patience and love... and it ain't gonna be easy for you to see the pain she's going to go through. You're best bet is to become a haven... of love and acceptance... and as has already been brought up... most JDub kids panic when someone tries to "force" a birthday party on them... just do what can be enjoyed in full and not create a mental/spiritual struggle just yet.

    And remember... most JW kids leave anyway... the stats are on your side.

  • Quandry

    Hi and I hope you have a great time when your daughter visits. I certainly don't think I would advise going too far with exposing her to things that she may have a hard time with. She probably will just want to enjoy your company. Maybe you could read books together. That always brought my daughter and I close. Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder are simply wonderful and you would enjoy them as much as she would. Maybe quiet walks and talks, fixing hair, painting fingernails and toenails will be another activity.

    She may be nervous and conflicted and you don't want to make the visit a stressful time. Just make it one she will look back on and enjoy, and not have anything bad to report back to dad about. Maybe he will relax visiting rules or she will in the future insist on seeing you more often because she wants to be with you.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Besides all the other good advice I would just add to make sure she always know that you love and accept her rather she is a JW or not. No matter what course she takes that you will be there for her.

    I think as she gets older and may decide during those teenage years to asert her individuality and choose her own road she will know she has an allie in you. That will give her strength to go against the JW norm if she so decides to.

    This is awesome advise, and one I use with my son. Jgnat is right on as well...just keep her informed and loved.


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